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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Oh, I definitely agree on Fox fucking everything up. Fixed the list and forgot to mention that.
  2. Fixed. Also, The Incredible Hulk - 2008 + Thor - 2011 + Captain America - 2011 + The Avengers - 2012 ++ There's a shit ton more to go on that list (The Losers, Kick-Ass, Hellboy, etc.), but this list covers the heavy hitters.
  3. No, comic movies are mostly shit, they've only recently started doing them properly. Batman Begins and Iron Man were the first ones that were done right, and I love The Dark Knight as much as anyone, but Watchmen is the best comic book movie made thus far. Respect the source material. Some of this shit (Wolverine, X-Men: First Class, etc.) is like the people making it have never touched a comic book in their lives. It's pathetic.
  4. I hadn't thought about that. They'll likely never notice the game is missing. The issue, however, is that without my noble crusade to motivate me, I probably won't feel like going out again.
  5. I realize I'm seen as something of an unsavory character around here - *Throws blanket over pile of severed limbs* - but I am a man of honor. I would like to not fuck this girl out of a few dollars, while at the same time not fucking her at all. You're shocked, I know. Also, if I'm going back to buy IV, I might as well get this thing sorted, anyway.
  6. They need to make up for letting a shitty company get its hands on their IP. There's a Daredevil reboot in the works, and I imagine we'll get a Fantastic Four reboot at some point, too. Gotta make up for your fuck-ups. Comic book movies deserve better, and they're finally starting to do them right.
  7. As it turns out, they forgot to charge me for Crysis 2. Now I must decide between going back and paying for a game I'm just going to return in a few days, or letting some poor girl have $16 taken out of her paycheck. Curse my honorable nature, it's so fucking tedious at times. Edit: I might just take it back and not even bother playing it, then buy IV.
  8. Beat both, figured I wouldn't be replaying either one any time soon, so I returned them. Now I have Crysis 2. Buying pre-owned games and returning them is my rental system.
  9. Returned MP3 and Uncharted 3 today bought some other shit, forgot to get IV. Because I'm retarded. Ffs, the girl at the register even suggested I look around to find something to spend the rest of my refund on.
  10. It's all multiplayer, isn't it? If not, I'm probably going to regret having returned it today. Meh, I'm going to re-purchase once it hits < $20 pre-owned, anyway.
  11. No idea why it says otherwise.
  12. All I had to do was give him an address. And not even my address. I must be an epic negotiator.
  13. I'll start derailing topics to talk to you about shit, should re-Americanize my lingo.
  14. I've been using a lot of Brit slang lately. I blame 'you lot,' you specifically excluded. I call people tossers all the time.
  15. Nope. I might swing by Gamestop over the weekend and pick it up. If I can actually play, I'm sure you lot will enjoy having someone reliable sign up for these things.
  16. *Returns Uncharted 3, gets GTA IV Complete Edition* *Internet is still shit* Fuck.
  17. I finally got this. Bought it alongside Uncharted 3 and LA Noire on Sunday, just wrapped it up. Holy fuck, this game was awesome. The final chapter, in the airport, was fucking brilliant - epic every step of the way. I even accidentally got a trophy because I wanted to hear all the dialogue before shooting a certain asshole in the face, and didn't get the chance to pull the trigger. Not sure if I had the option to shoot the last guy or not.
  18. And the t-shirt. Was talking to Dup, he got them when he received Claude. But, fuck you too.
  19. Claude was a sound investment. Also, fuck you for getting those GTA III stickers. I didn't.
  20. I would rather see Spider-Man than anything that has any connection to Marky Mark. He's lucky The Other Guys was good, and that was because of Will Ferrell. Also, I would never pay to see a comedy in a theatre. I don't need to listen to a bunch of other assholes laughing. I can wait.
  21. Dude, they're goblins. Goblins are supposed to be short.
  22. How big are they? They look way too big.
  23. Fair warning: you won't. For GTA V, anyway. R*, perhaps.