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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. You're making this game last a lot longer than I did. I should've slowed down.
  2. Hey look, it's actually happening... maybe.
  3. Massacre


    I'm pretty indifferent to the Brotherhood, but I'm all about synthetics, and tech over humanity. I've found that it's impossible to be more human than human. Inhuman, however, is easy.
  4. Don't forget that video you put on YouTube, after you misread something Stoic said.
  5. Massacre


    Re: Us fighting the Brotherhood: The Institute is meant to be one of the most technologically advanced places left in the world. Remember, only the D.C. Brotherhood is made up of nice guys. The rest of them are mostly assholes. We'll likely have a New Vegas-style choice between supporting the Brotherhood and taking over the Institute, or siding with the Institute's scientists and androids (in that same video montage, there were enemies labeled "synth") to keep their technology safe and secret.
  6. I've had to ask that before. Trying not to make a habit of it.
  7. I wholeheartedly support both of those piercings. Hell, get some more.
  8. I love rhubarb pie. It's not my favorite (blueberry 4 lyfe), but I love it.
  9. Massacre


    This is truly the best day of my life... until November.
  10. Massacre


    Not long now. *Removes pants*
  11. Literally every time I have ever gone into a public lobby it was just retards shooting at each other. There is no fun to be had with randoms. Also, every crew event I've attended was 8 people talking over each other, with a mess of cars parked nearby.
  12. My grand reward was a cigar-smoking chimp mask. Wooooo.
  13. Yeah, but you actually play. I'm rarely on, other than when new content comes out.
  14. Finally hit rank 100 tonight. I actually did it in pretty decent time, considering that I never made an actual effort to rank up.
  15. Most of the money I spent this week was on stuff from other updates, for my second character. This tells me that, if Rockstar really wants to sell worthless junk, they should give us a third character slot so we have to buy the same shit again. Besides, I've got yet another version of the iGTA webcomic in my head, and I'd like to make the third character from it.
  16. Are you bOnEs-ing your face? Your beard has gone places.
  17. I don't know what I'm seeing, but it's amazing.
  18. We noticed that during a heist setup, last night. Smooth sailing. I'm sure Rockstar will "fix" this dire issue immediately.
  19. No. That whole premise is inexcusably retarded and whoever made that shit up should be very, very ashamed.
  20. Fanboy was hosting, we were preparing the Pacific Standard heist.You kept slurring at me to use my mic. Then you said some violent, sexual things to me.