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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I fucking wish. *Can't remember if he ever even spoke to Redundant*
  2. You dumb Canadian bastard. Edit: That was redundant.
  3. Already have a topic for this.
  4. I'm confused, are you lot saying it's from the trailer, i.e., a screencap? Because it's not, it's hand-drawn.
  5. It's amazing how sure you sound of that despite being wrong.
  6. Stop spreading rumors. There are no such things as blimps. They're a myth.
  7. CJ's an attention whore who's only capable of gaining the attention of wannabe gangsters. And Toni.
  8. I don't want to look back through and see if anyone has Ukraine, so, if no one has it, it's mine. I don't know what any of the countries are after that.
  9. You sounded gay long before this topic. Also, I haven't seen Sexy around in ages.
  10. Yeah, my two main characters are perfect for Dawnguard. I have a Wood Elf hunter/archer who is a werewolf, and had a hatred for vampires long before Dawnguard was announced, and a Dark Elf assassin who is a vampire.
  11. He sounds like the type of person that hates everything because he can't cope with the fact that he secretly loves cock.
  12. Okay, I struggled to read as much as I could. That is one of the most idiotic pieces of shit I have ever read in my entire life. Everything in there is complete bullshit, that full-retard "journalist" didn't make a single valid or logical point. This pile of garbage belongs at the very top of the shit list.
  13. It can easily be dismissed as moronic bullshit just based on their first reason. Of course, the title alone does a good enough job showing that.
  14. I have almost all the territory Nazi Germany held, and I have immense skill in the field of necromancy. I win. *Orders zombie Hitler to fetch him some tea*
  15. We'd be better off doing it in the gold board, in case we have more than five people interested. I think all my Fallout peeps are gold. *Makes topic*
  16. Dark skin works fine for Fallout. I don't give a fuck about anyone else's site.
  17. Well, if there's a decent group of people that want to do a Fallout site, I'd be on-board to run it. Fuck having our own forums, though, I don't want to pay for that shit. Just put a separate forum section below the GTA stuff. Besides, if we do it that way, we'll be getting Fallout fans (cynical assholes), which should balance out the GTA fans (stupid noobs and wiggers).
  18. Well, at the very least, if bOnEs is up for it, then we have a decent enough staff that I would be cool with running a site.
  19. I would like to, yes. If it's really that simple, I could do it.
  20. They have games I don't give a fuck about and won't care to cover. Dishonored, for example.
  21. *Fights the urge to request Fallout and/or Elder Scrolls site*
  22. Meh, I've been looking for a new quote for my sig. *Yoink*
  23. Only 6 on-topic posts in a topic with 16 replies. I can't decide whether to clean it up or lock it. It's too shit to even move to the Asylum, really.