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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. All of Ohio is shit. I lived near Cincinnati, though.
  2. Mountain wilderness is where it's at. Alaska is probably the state I'd most like to live in, though I've never even been there.
  3. Werd, hated it there. Try being there for over 20 years, you'll want to hang yourself.
  4. Every old, abandoned farm looks pretty at sunset. Don't be fooled, Ohio is a shithole.
  5. Massacre

    Saints Row

    They're about even. Feels like I'm a lot more precise with the police pistols, though.
  6. Massacre

    Saints Row

    The default pistol you start with, yeah. The 44 Shepherd, I think. I use the police pistols, though, whatever they're called, and still kick immense quantities of ass.
  7. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Fully upgrade your pistols, buy dual-wielding. You can drop a helicopter without emptying your clips. A pair of fully upgraded pistols can carry you through the entire game.
  8. Moved to Graphics, Media & Entertainment.
  9. Soon there'll be no need for Moderators. I'll remember that next time someone spams one of your topics.
  10. I like how the whining little brats are whining directly in the topic ranting about them now. So convenient.
  11. Massacre

    Tomb Raider

    I don't fucking believe it - a Tomb Raider game actually has my interest.
  12. While I would like to believe that the zombie apocalypse is upon us, it sounds like the guy was just fucked on PCP. What a shame.
  13. Choosing which faction to support, i.e. Dawnguard or Vampires.
  14. I'm hoping and kind of assuming they went the New Vegas route with this. You probably have a choice between the vampires and the Dawnguard.
  15. Yep, I figured it would be vampires. Nice.
  16. I would like that. I'm going to go ahead and guarantee that it won't be flyable, but, there's a chance we might have a mission involving it.
  17. I'm 99.9% (repeating, of course) sure that the blimp is just scenery, like the blimp Vice City.
  18. I'm more curious to see how it changed in the 80 years before he left.
  20. Welcome to your greatest addiction yet. They don't have a rehabilitation program for this game yet (Skyrim was top priority for most places), so you're fucked for the time being. Now get the fuck out of the office and go punch some trees.