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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. That is Greece. *Slides a single gold coin across the table* Have a leg of lamb, on me.
  2. I'm taking Bosnia and Serbia.
  3. An rpg would take out one of those trucks. Just one. You'd never get off a second shot, and that's if you were lucky enough to get the first shot off.
  4. We totally should have made up stats when we started this, for mad lulz.
  5. I am all up in Croatia's ass. QD, I offer you a truce. Work with Brian and myself and we will crush Cydonia. You know, once we get to Cy's turf in a few turns.
  6. Use the search feature, noob.
  7. That was epic, Dup. Great job.
  8. I'm taking Slovenia and Hungary. Stay the fuck out of my way, Croatia is mine next turn.
  9. Alliance accepted. Since we're in ancient times, I'm going to make my way southeast into the Czech Republic and Austria, with the eventual goal of taking Croatia. The world will be a better place if Croatia is under my control by the time Tesla is born. I will do what the rest of the world should have done, I will ensure that his visions see the light of day.
  10. Oh? I didn't notice that. In that case, I also take Austria and Poland.
  11. Just for history's sake, I will be open to an alliance, should you so desire it.
  12. I'll roll the dice, the rest of you can just take my word for it.
  13. *Attempts to play a game he's never played before* I'm in. The Warlord Empire (black) claims Germany.
  14. Be thankful, your foreign lady has saved you. You are now above the average American intellect.
  15. This topic finally dies, and you, of all people, are the one that bumps it.
  16. Infinite respect for whoever can bring Heartless back, at least part-time.
  17. *Grabs musket* I'm really hoping that bear isn't just part of a cutscene. That'll be so much more intense than RDR or Skyrim.
  18. The gameplay trailer dropped a week ago and no one posted it? The fuck is wrong with you people? Watch it. Watch it now. Shit is fucking awesome.