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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Actually, I'm impressed when a newer member says they've used the search feature, since most of them are idiots and don't use it. Also, PS3.
  2. You're all a bunch of gay Jewish honkys. It's cool, I'm a mod.
  3. Someone didn't read the Wikipedia article. Thanos is a force of nature, a borderline god*. He could go toe-to-toe with the Hulk in hand-to-hand combat. *Not the same as Loki, mind you. He's got a vastly different skill set.
  4. The mobile version of the site is being a honky right now, so I can't quote the post in question, but The Dark Knight has Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Heath Ledger, whereas the Avengers only had Robert Downey Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson, so, your "top-tier cast" comment is invalid.
  5. Loki? You mean the guy that was giving the orders to the aliens whose name I don't know how to spell? He was standing next to Thanos. Look him up if you like, I'm typing this on my phone or I would explain the whole deal.
  6. Red Skull will probably be back at some point. Arnim Zola becomes a pretty major character, but not enough to stand on his own in a movie; he could only be a right hand man on film. Would rather see another villain first, though. All the Avengers need a trilogy, anyway.
  7. Red Skull's been killed a dozen times or more. He can come back at any time, and it would be nice to see him in a modern setting. And yeah, there's tons of stuff to do with a Thor sequel. Personally, I'd like to see the Wrecking Crew make an appearance, though they're not as epic as Loki.
  8. Agreed, RDJ nailed it. No one else could have done Iron Man justice. And I'm sure there's another Hulk coming, since the set up the Leader in the last movie.
  9. Suppose I could have stuck a 'back on topic' in there, yeah. But I'm sure they'll know to stay on topic and not let the sport vs. sport thing go anywhere. If not, I've got a warn button. Rather do that than lock another topic.
  10. The Hulk is the only one that I don't know for sure they're working on another. Iron Man, Cap, and Thor all have new movies being worked on as we speak, although none are filming yet, and there will definitely be another Avengers. Curious as to whether they'll bring in Silver Surfer or the Guardians of the Galaxy to help set up Thanos. If it's Surfer, expect a Fantastic Four reboot before Avengers 2.
  11. Massacre


    Doesn't work for me, either. Just stay here, we're better.
  12. Blame the OP, all I did was correct him. It's not on me if it gets any worse.
  13. I fully agree with thh Hulk stealing the show, he was very well done. Black Widow is a boring character, both in Iron Man 2/The Avengers and the comics, and Scarlett Johansson is hot, but not hot enough for me to overlook the fact that she's a mediocre actress. But, Joss Whedon is a feminist, so I knew going into it that she would get a shit ton of screen time, which was really my only disappointment, other than Hawkeye's lack of screen time. Hawkeye is a brilliant character and I'm a huge fan of Jeremy Renner, so I was a bit let down by how underutilized he was. As for Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill, she was good, for the most part, but her voice is too soft and not at all authoritative, and in the comics, Hill is a pretty hardcore bitch with a hell of a presence. Cobie needed to speak up. I disagree, mostly because I didn't see Ledger's Joker as a proper villain, at least not in the traditional sense. TDK's version of the Joker was a criminal, a sociopath, a psychopath. Despite having a master plan, all he really did was cause chaos. Tom Hiddleston's Loki was a proper, traditional villain, and, unlike Ledger's Joker, he was handled uniquely without straying too far from the comics. Ledger's Joker was unique and brilliant for the realistic setting TDK had, I'm not knocking his performance at all, but that realistic setting ensured that he couldn't stay very true to the comics. All in all, Loki is the better movie villain, and, if you read comics, the better villain all around, despite Joker's history, and The Avengers was the better comic book movie, as TDK wasn't very comic-like. Watchmen is still the best comic book movie of all time, though. It was a monumental achievement, and comic book movies wouldn't be as good as they are now without it.
  14. Soccer sucks, as does American football. All professional sports do, actually. Boxing is mildly entertaining, but that's it. The point is, football is just as shit as soccer. And playing football doesn't make you a man. Children play it.
  15. Go find a couple pink ribbons and pigtails.kind of girls.
  16. Hm... Dawnguard, new vampire feeding animations. I don't think I'm reading too much into it to think we might have to fuck up a few vampires. I could do with a good vampire story.
  17. Brilliant post, Selp. Ironically, I would never have sat there and read all that if I hadn't quit smoking recently...
  18. I murdered a large group of schoolchildren.
  19. You are shopping at the wrong stores.
  20. That's all we got so far. 360-exclusive (temporarily, of course), more info at E3.
  21. Why? Why would it say that? Blockbuster has no fucking clue when it's going to be out.