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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. We did not. Our hopes of continuing lived and died with you. I'd love to wrap that up, since I've otherwise been heist-deprived.
  2. says the guy who finally played with us last night ... Last invite I got was probably a year before heists came out.Also, I didn't know Rob was poor. Rob gets special treatment because Rob.
  3. We need to form a solid team and set Rob up with a full run of heists, so he'll have the money he needs. We should be doing this for everyone here who needs it. We're a family, god damn it.
  4. Heartless never came here. His last post on iGTA, in response to the new site, was simply "never." For so many years, I wondered what had happened to him. I had always hoped he was doing okay... Goodbye, brother. I never forgot you, all these years. I never will.
  5. All the cars I had in storage have been moved into my garages, and cars were deleted from my garages if there wasn't room. Nice fucking update, Rockstar.
  6. Massacre

    Sleeping Dogs

    Sleeping Dogs is fun, but there's nothing to do once you've finished the story. Can't comment on Tomb Raider.
  7. Nine times out of ten, that shit goes out the window when you're the "one."
  8. For future reference: Also, I suppose you have a point, but it all makes sense to me. Can't say I disagree with anything he does, other than doing a poor job of navigating that science-y place where that thing happens. I would've gotten out way faster and safer.
  9. No, he's perfectly reasonable, in every decision he makes throughout the game.
  10. People seem content to buy tacky bullshit and shoot at each other. We'll see real content when the people playing actually do something to indicate that they want it. The only reason we have heists or that anyone cared about them is that Rockstar announced them. They could've said nothing, and people would still just be shooting at each other, no thought given to the possibility of there being something fun or worthwhile to do.
  11. You can complain about anything, on the internet. "Oh, aliens are real and they want to give everyone a robot dog and $100? Why not a robot cat? Why not $1000? Fucking bullshit, man."
  12. He was on the ground, when I ran into him. Homeless people never do magic tricks for me.
  13. Yeah, the guy I talked to kept quoting the ToS. I wasn't having it, and got my money back. Their fine print means nothing to me.
  14. The logos look terrible, but I like the actual jacket in that screenshot. Different fit and collar than the track jacket. I assume that most of the new clothes will be shit, but some of it's bound to be decent, and it's something better than lazy recolors of our current options.
  15. If you have a high quality PC, the right graphics mods basically bring Skyrim up to next gen quality. There are a lot of mods that improve combat and other things about the game that aren't quite ideal.
  16. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- (I'll finish that when you have a PS4)
  17. Massacre


    Been pushing the Commonwealth for over two years now. Post-apocalyptic dream come true. I suppose I could've just said "dream come true." All of my dreams are post-apocalyptic.
  18. Massacre


    Nearly shit myself when I realized those were in-game graphics. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to mod the ever-loving shit out of this game, but at least Bethesda made it look good on their own, for once.
  19. Massacre


    massacre, what is the real life version of that screen called? It called a test pattern. The Indian head test pattern is what was used before color television. Now they use the multicolored bars we all know and have no strong feelings about.
  20. But guys. Guys. Guys. After tomorrow's Fallout announcement, we have to have post-apocalyptic night. And I still have a Mad Max-inspired race to make.
  21. Massacre


    It is, but I have more time to work on it than he does. Also, I'm an admin, and the forums are pretty much mine, by default.
  22. Massacre


    Since the site isn't ready, but the forums are, I disabled posting for regular members, so I wouldn't have to deal with spam accounts. Now that we have a reason to resurrect the site, I'll fix it.
  23. Massacre


    My money's on the Commonwealth. Cambridge/Boston. Remember the androids in Rivet City in Fallout 3? They're from the Institute, which is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. iFallout is nowhere near done, but I've been photoshopping pictures of Boston to look post-apocalyptic for months now. We're ready.
  24. Massacre


    Standard image that was always on the real life version of that screen. It's basically atomic age clip art.