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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Trolling, eh? Okay, I'm not going to delete that. I'm going to leave that there, and if anyone comes in here and starts a flame war over your post, you're getting a warn. If you contribute to the flame war, I'll suspend you for a day. It'll escalate from there. Stop being a cunt.
  2. Massacre


    Sorry, poor wording, I meant adding the perk through the Auto-Doc. And there's a glitch that removes the trait dialogue from the Auto-Doc if you ask about it, even if you don't actually change your traits. Also, if you haven't turned on all the Sink AI, the dialogue won't appear. I'm sure you've long since turned on all the AI's, but I figured I should mention it just in case. I still don't know how you could have lost Wild Wasteland to begin with, though.
  3. Massacre


    I don't know how you could have lost it other than using the Auto-Doc, I haven't seen or heard about any glitch that could remove it. On the plus side, adding the perk again should reset all the Wild Wasteland encounters, so you can go back and get them, even if you've already been through the area.
  4. Yeah, I'm sure they're just going to shrug that kid-friendly image right off.
  5. Follow the signs that point to Ivarstead.
  6. Just for the lulz, I'm not going to lock this. I am going to move it to the right section, though. Wait, scratch that. There's already a topic for this.
  7. CoD and Assassin's Creed wouldn't hurt GTA's sales in the slightest, in my opinion, but I agree that we won't be seeing it until next spring, at the earliest.
  8. Now it has a Vice City/Ballad of Gay Tony vibe. Glamourous.
  9. I quit watching ages ago, but I still watch the WWE's Hall of Fame induction ceremony every year, just for the nostalgia factor.
  10. That's not even remotely similar to what he said.
  11. That's awesome. Trust me, old-ass Ezio will grow on you. I like him better in Revelations than in the last two games. Also, what bOnEs said.
  12. Aside from the camera being crooked, those pics are pretty good. You should have the missus document all the DM's, then you won't get blown up trying to get a good pic.
  13. Get on TBOGT and harass Marney until he starts a new DM for you.
  14. I think deleting it outright instead of locking it might get rid of it.
  15. Ooh, heavily bearded bOnEs would make the shops look infinitely better.
  16. The beard turned out to be pretty epic. If D-O ever decides to man up and grow his back out, we can set out in search of battle on the frozen tundra.
  17. I don't particularly want a gay protagonist, but it sure as hell wouldn't ruin the game for me.
  18. Con, you need to put that in spoiler tags with a NSFW warning. You can't just go posting pics of scrotums on here.
  19. Fun Fact: Actual Spanish people, i.e., people from Spain, are white. I haven't payed enough attention to either side of this stupid argument to know who, if anyone, this fact supports, but there you have it.