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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Fucking badass. I haven't been on the Nexus since the tool kit came out, I've clearly been missing out.
  2. If I were a mod, I'd tell you two to get back on topic. We don't know if this poll is going to affect the staff's decisions, but spamming it is only going to make it seem less relevant, so do me a solid and give this a rest, yeah? Edit: Thanks, guys.
  3. Good to know. Thanks for telling us, Duff. You guys can douse the torches, now.
  4. I'm not voting in either poll, because I'm one of the options, but I would suggest that whoever voted OPx rethink their decision, he's plenty active.
  5. Aela's the way to go. I like a woman I can slaughter my enemies with.
  6. Surprised it hasn't been done already.
  7. Their significance in the history of music is obscenely exaggerated. I probably wouldn't hate them if it weren't for that.
  8. I'd like to have a combat system similar to Gears of War or Mass Effect 3. They both have very smooth combat that doesn't feel overly shooter-esque, more so with Mass Effect. I'd also like to see a weapon wheel similar to Mass Effect or Saints Row. D-pad weapon selection is too slow for intense shootouts.
  9. So do you. No reason to go around telling people about it.
  10. Did they use that when they were filming parts of Captain America over there? I think I remember that building.
  11. I don't give a fuck one way or the other, but, just for educational purposes, the closest real-life counterparts to the types of criminals that GTA portrays (with the exception of CJ and Luis) are mostly in their 30's. Really, the only criminals that are in their 20's are the pussies that join street gangs in the ghetto, and that's not the type of story I'm expecting in V.
  12. Well, yeah, that last bit was just speculation (shit I thought of while making that post, no less). They haven't really bothered to figure it out in the comics, so I've got nothing to go on, there.
  13. Uh, then he stops playing? What the fuck do you think firemen do when nothing's on fire, sit and stare at the dispatch radio?
  14. This spoiler may be more of a spoiler than you'd like to see, but it answers your question.
  15. Well, at least in GTA IV you actually pulled your guns out of your jacket. It looked ridiculous pulling an rpg out of your coat, but it was better than the gun appearing out of thin air.