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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. RDR was set during a time where it was legal to carry a shotgun around, GTA isn't.
  2. Missed this before. Fair warning: Don't get attached to anyone. Any one of those people can be killed off at any moment.
  3. Well, hang onto your latest project and pitch the idea to whoever you end up working for. I want to play it.
  4. That makes a surprising amount of sense. I might have to take a trip to LA. No, the intelligent actresses would be in New York. LA's full of morons.
  5. Yeah, I'm still waiting for you to explain that one.
  6. A month is an acceptable stretch of time, since I don't even have girlfriends to begin with. The closest I've had to a traditional relationship was having sex with a female friend for three months. But, I'm after someone genuinely crazy. Not 'sitting in a padded room drooling on her straight jacket' crazy, but you know what I mean.
  7. Right, forgot you were drunk. I lost track of that while thinking about what qualifies as insane in England.
  8. Carpet, drapes. In that order. Apparently they don't use that in the UK or Canada.
  9. Coincidentally, a friend of mine once told me about an acid trip he had where he wouldn't get off the couch because he thought his girlfriend's stuffed leopard (which he saw as being pink and green) was going to attack him. He just sat there staring at it until he sobered up.
  10. I bet Dup'll be interested. If I remember correctly, he's after a job with a big developer, but I think he could put together one hell of an indie game. The project he's working on now is case in point. I'd love to see that become a full game.
  11. That was... surprisingly touching. I'm going to have to watch this movie.
  12. I may not study medicine, but I know murder and body disposal. Duff is not required here.
  13. Duff went there and it changed his life.
  14. Those don't even look like real bones. Rib bones aren't that thin, and they wouldn't be that white unless they'd been in the sun for months (which they haven't since that was recently dug up), or someone had actually bleached them before burying them. If they are real bones, though, the ribcage is too long and the ribs are too spaced out to be human. Or at least that's how it looks, there's nothing in the pic to give me an idea of scale.
  15. I dunno, I might donate money to an animal charity if it went toward 80-foot-tall baby pandas. But not if said pandas typed in Comic Sans.
  16. You should do crazy and dangerous shit with the old ones before you junk them.