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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Shit, I remember you, Hitman. Welcome back.
  2. Are trying to slowly reintroduce the term 'darkie' into the English language?
  3. For me, it's Santorum that I can't stand. I mean, I hate all of them, aside from Ron Paul, but Santorum is the scum of the earth.
  4. Massacre


    Nope. They had Obsidian do New Vegas because it was a spinoff. The numbered Fallout titles are still being done by Bethesda. In related news, Bethesda won the lawsuit against Interplay a while back and now has the rights to Fallout Online, which I'm guessing will never come out.
  5. Massacre


    If you're just playing New Vegas, then the level cap is 30. With all the DLC, it's 50.
  6. Bush wasted 13 trillion dollars on an unnecessary war, Obama is a puppet controlled by people trying to turn the US into a socialist dictatorship. They're both equally horrible presidents.
  7. Ah, you weren't a member back when the Crusades were going on. Yeah, if CJ's in GTA V, it'll be in the form of an Easter egg, no direct references. The events of III, Vice City, and San Andreas never happened in the GTA IV universe. We don't even know if IV and V are the same universe. But, theoretically, CJ, if accompanied by the rest of Grove Street, would have a major tactical advantage. Grove Street would be an excellent defensible position, provided you blocked off the side alley and set a few guys up on the overpass.
  8. Massacre


    Hmm... I have a feeling I'll be trading my bow for a sniper rifle by 2013.
  9. The fuck is this shit? Who was the teacher, Chuck Norris?
  10. To be fair, only the OP and one other person actually gave a shit.
  11. We're not a parody site. If we do anything fake as a joke, dozens of cunts will accuse us of making shit up for cheap page views. See: April Fools I know we can do better, that's good enough for me.
  12. That is one poorly-written joke article. We could do better.
  13. Ah, didn't know she was in Dollhouse. Also didn't know she had ever used the name Katheryn. I've only seen her use 'Felicia.' Also also, I now want to go download all seasons of Buffy. Good show.
  14. Retarded if true. No reason for a guy to lose his job over a good joke.
  15. No, this one. bOnEs got himself a little nerd crush.
  16. I just assumed you were trying to make a point because, in order for that to be a genuine question, you would have to either not have played San Andreas, or be completely ignorant of history and pop culture regarding aliens, government conspiracies, or the southwestern United States, which is near impossible if you live in the US.
  17. Games that interest me don't come out often enough for me to pay for a Gamefly subscription.
  18. Yes, Area 51 was in San Andreas, and it was a reasonable distance from Las Venturas (which is obviously not in GTA V) at a time where R* wasn't quite as concerned with making a realistic setting as they are now. The setup of the map from a game made nearly eight years ago, when Rockstar wasn't trying to make GTA realistic, has no bearing on what GTA V will be like, so the point you were trying to make is invalid.
  19. am i the only one that rents games anymore?? i beat uncharted 3 for about tree fitty... actually it was exactly tree fitty ... They shut down the Blockbuster in my town, and there's nowhere else to rent games nearby. I'm forced to wait for price drops.
  20. They do not do any kind of nuclear testing anywhere near where people live. Nuclear test sites are upwards of 100 miles away from the nearest town, and are done almost exclusively in large stretches of open desert, which doesn't exist near Oakland. There are no nuclear weapons being tested in Oakland. Also, unless another has opened up recently, the only army base in Oakland has been shut down since 1999. On top of all that, Oakland is 370 miles from Los Angeles, so even if there were an operational army base in Oakland, it wouldn't make any difference in GTA V. And yet another edit, Area 51 is 150 miles from Las Vegas, and Vegas is 265 miles from LA. I don't know all the highways in that area, so I don't know if there's a shorter route from LA to Rachel, Nevada (where Area 51 is located), but that's 415 miles, for those of you who can't do elementary school-level math.
  21. Not too bad. Granted, I won't be using my PS3 again until Uncharted 3 has a huge price drop, so that two will probably 20 by the next time I turn it on.