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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. It's the sig that his iPhone puts at the end of his post, not the actual sig. You can change what the sig is. it's the "Yours sincerely, A fine gentleman with an iPhone." replacer.
  2. That annoying iPhone sig makes every post seem like it has actual substance.
  3. Nice. And it's large, too. Now I can put it in my sig, along with angeal's quote, thus making QD bitch about how big it is. Edit: ImageShack is fucking stupid all of a sudden, the gif isn't animated once I've uploaded it.
  4. *Poke* On methods of suicide, or suicide in general?
  5. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I'm pretty sure I'll be passing on all the DLC. There's only one major DLC left after this one (Trouble with Clones), and the rest will be the shitty $1.99 packs I mentioned before.
  6. I have never heard of a suicide case, whether attempted or successful, where the person claimed to be doing it to help anyone other than themselves. People commit suicide because they're cowards who can't face the problems in their life, so they want to end it. They're doing it for themselves, and they're selfish pieces of shit. On methods of suicide, or suicide in general?
  7. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Rockstar puts an immense amount of work into assembling a soundtrack that suits the time period and city the game takes place in, because they realize that you spend the majority of the game in a vehicle, and the soundtrack is a huge part of the immersion. Rockstar cares about the soundtrack, and they spend a lot of time - months, probably - searching for the perfect songs for each game. If R* didn't care about what was on the radio in GTA, they'd just use a bunch of shitty mainstream rap music to appease the gangster-wannabe retards that just want GTA V to be a San Andreas remake.
  8. Were the La Brea tar pits in LA Noire? There are mammoth skeletons and I think a few fiberglass models of mammoths at the museum there, so it's not too much of a stretch. It'd be a hell of a place to dump a body.
  9. His idea is too extreme, but he has me thinking about a similar system. Obviously I don't want every cut, scrape, and bullet wound I get to leave a permanent mark, but I think it would be interesting to get a scar or bruise for things that happen in cutscenes. If the protagonist is captured like Niko and Roman were in GTA IV, and his captor cuts his face (for whatever reason), it should leave a scar. You get too many wounds throughout the game for all of them to leave a scar, but cutscene injuries would be fine.
  10. Isn't that your normal outfit? Wait, this isn't the Asylum. Somebody make a "Ways to fuck with solicitors" topic.
  11. Demolition Derby? Busted!? Those aren't multiplayer modes... Is this motherfucker doing something creative? Holy shit.
  12. Personally, I love when Jehovah's Witnesses come to my house, they're fun to mess with. When I was 14, a pair of them came around while I was home alone. I untied my dog and let him chase them off. Another time, about a year ago, I soaked myself with fake blood, put on a pig mask, and grabbed a handful of chicken bones out of the garbage and ran outside shouting nonsense at them. Turns out they didn't need those bicycles to get around quickly, they just need proper motivation to run.
  13. That's part of the reason I like it. Buddhists are nice and quiet. They do what they do, and they leave you to do what you do. They don't care if you believe what they believe, and they can talk about their beliefs without insulting or belittling yours.
  14. I just opened Steam in preparation of playing Skyrim, and I've only logged 172 hours, on five characters. Damn, I'm slacking.
  15. I only get my news online, so I'm spared sports news. Still, I run into a lot of Colts fans because I go to Indianapolis a lot, so I still hear plenty of shit I'm not interested in hearing.
  16. Probably not. Everyone hated the Buckeyes when I was in school in Ohio. I don't even like football and I still give a knowing nod when I see a Michigan fan.
  17. Dumb whore. Also, I laughed hysterically when Daryl called her 'Olive Oil' two episodes ago. Don't know why they got such an awkward, skinny bitch to play Lori.
  18. Can't defend your idiotic sport, so you try to turn the conversation to America-bashing. Thanks for making yourself look stupid.
  19. It doesn't, but that isn't the point of the Wii. The point of the Wii was to make something children and mentally simple adults would find more amusing than gaming with a traditional controller, and make millions and millions of dollars with it. Mission accomplished.
  20. Only an idiot believes that something's popularity is indicative of its quality. Soccer is popular because most of the people in the world are stupid and are entertained by stupid things like "professional" sports. There is nothing even remotely entertaining about watching a bunch of proud americans running around a field kicking a ball.
  21. We're aware of that. This topic was made before R* confirmed that Los Santos was the only city.
  22. Unless you're using a sledgehammer or a medieval mace, melee weapons aren't that heavy, letting a zombie get close to you isn't a big deal, and any motherfucker can kill a zombie, or person, with a melee weapon, it's not hard at all. And a smart person is going to be using a bludgeon, not a bladed weapon. I actually know how to handle a sword and I still wouldn't use one for killing zombies. A machete is the only bladed weapon I would suggest for killing zombies.