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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Marney showing someone else how to use the internet? It's so satisfying watching your little ones grow up.
  2. I don't even know what that post says, wasn't willing to copy/paste it somewhere or switch back to the white forum skin to read it.
  3. And very lightweight. I forget how many layers it took, but I've seen bulletproof vests made of seat belts. Thick, very strong weave, seat belts are a great resource for any post-apocalyptic wanderer, zombies or otherwise. Also, while I know you're joking, for the benefit of any stupid people reading this: kitchen supplies would be extremely loud, basically a zombie dinner bell.
  4. Homemade armor: Slice the seat belts out of a few cars and stitch them to your clothes, they'll never be able to bite through it. They can be chewed through, but if they have time to chew through that shit, you're already dead.
  5. Probably. I hadn't even finished Brotherhood when I saw the first preview for Revelations. With Max Payne 3 coming out in May, and R* almost certainly not releasing any GTA V info until after MP3, I'd say you're right.
  6. Official release date for AC3 is October 30th. Also, there's supposedly single-player DLC for Revelations called Lost Archive coming out soon. February 28th is the rumor, but one week seems a bit too soon to do proper advertising for it. Based on the list of achievements here, there's going to be another one of those stupid Desmond memory sequences.
  7. Aluminum is fine. Wood is going to have more impact, but if you're ever cornered by a large group of zombies, you'll be glad you went with aluminum when you have to swing it for ten minutes straight.
  8. Please tell me you mean in a museum, or that you're joking... I honestly don't think I can sink low enough to start flaming someone who wants to see a mammoth wandering around Los Santos.
  9. Massacre

    Saints Row

    None of the DLC has been worth buying so far. Volition is shit at making DLC, and THQ is nickel-and-diming the fuck out of people by making Volition release one outfit and one gun as $1.99 DLC. It's fucking insulting.
  10. We used to have events, but attendance dropped off after IV and the DLC had been out a while and people lost interest. We (and by "we," I mean "anyone but me") might be able to get them started back up now that there are more members.
  11. ^ Close enough. Someone should make a cartoon about you.
  12. Do you have a monocle up there? I've long suspected that every Brit has a monocle somewhere, just in case.
  13. Does everyone in the UK have a cricket bat on their property? No wonder they used one in Shaun of the Dead.
  14. New members are hazed. Any good member is going to stick around and fire right back when someone fucks with them. If someone leaves because of the way they were treated here, they had no business being here in the first place.
  15. Why are you asking a serious question to someone that was clearly joking?
  16. Oh, that's right, this is your first Bethesda game. Yeah, that's not going to happen.
  17. Tommy > Johnny > Claude > Niko > Luis > CJ > Vic > Tony > The guys from GTA 1 and 2.
  18. Intel: Proper zombies are slow and stupid. They'll wander around groaning until they see or hear people, then they'll start heading that way. Slowly. They're not smart enough to hide and wait for prey. Refuge: I'll be traveling, no reason to just sit around someplace. With any luck, I'll run into a few forum peeps along the way. Rationing: I'll take whatever food I can easily carry, and a few bottles of multivitamins to make up for what's missing from my diet. No one's going to be thinking about vitamins during a zombie apocalypse, so they'll be easy to find. Defense/Offense:You need at least two guns, and as many melee weapons as you can carry without them interfering with your mobility. I'll be buying a shotgun soon, and I've already got a pistol... Somewhere around here. I've got enough ammo. For melee, I have a machete, and a large metal bar I found in my yard a few months ago. I don't know what the fuck it's supposed to be, but I can kill things with it. I've got plenty of other melee weapons, but you need a longer reach for zombies, so I'm leaving knives out of it.
  19. I hate to post a Kotaku link, but it's related. A proper DLC announcement can't be very far off.
  20. 1800's London would be great, although they'd have to abandon the traditional white, since at that point in history, no one was walking around dressed completely in white. Gotta blend in.
  21. You look like a male model that recently became homeless.
  22. ^ What he said. Well, I can't handle this shit. *Places guns in mouth*