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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Let me guess, you investigated Hjerim, and now it's directing you to Jorleif, and he has nothing to say?
  2. I don't need them, I do my stealing the old-fashioned way: by rounding up my scurvy crew and attacking ships. Now that's piracy.
  3. Not a re-post, I don't think. And the search bar is at the top right of the page.
  4. We don't flame unless your post is so stupid that we can't simply ignore it. Your post is solid, plus, you play Skyrim and Saints Row, so you get bonus points from me.
  5. Something like that. Something more hands-on than the Vice City mission, though. I don't think R* will be going back to remote-controlled helicopters anytime soon.
  6. I would be shocked if there wasn't a mission that took place inside. It would be a waste if it were just scenery with no involvement in the story.
  7. Where the hell did the giant lizard come from?
  8. I'd never be able to finish the download on my connection, so no, I wouldn't buy it. I would, however, fly to NYC and chuck a few molotovs at R* HQ. For once, people would be correct in blaming a crime on GTA.
  9. Massacre

    gta fights

    That's a much more interesting match-up. Johnny definitely has badass street fighting skills, a force to be reckoned with. Niko is supposed to be an expert in Krav Maga, but when you actually fight in-game, he's just using basic strikes that don't really indicate and kind of martial arts skill. If there had been grappling in IV's combat system, I could see Niko having an advantage, but then again, Johnny is a hardcore biker, and he's bound to have plenty of dirty tricks to counter those clean MMA moves.
  10. Massacre

    gta fights

    Claude would kick CJ's ass. /thread
  11. I think I did all my traveling with the grappling hook/parachute combo (and the jet boost attachment from one of the DLC's), except when the game forced a vehicle on me, or when my destination was so far I had no choice but to fly. I saw so much more of the map that way. That also explains why it took me forever to get through the missions.
  12. Desert, jungle, snowy areas, it's pretty varied. The cities are really low-res, which is part of the reason the map is so big.
  13. bOnEs' pic is accurate. I forget the original source, but all the stats were explained the first time I saw the pic.
  14. Oh, that's right, Daggerfall had all of Tamriel in it.
  15. You can always pay a speech trainer. One of the Khajiit caravans has a speech trainer, and the bard college in Solitude obviously has one.
  16. I mean I don't know which. That's how it worked in Oblivion, so I think it works the same way in Skyrim, but I don't know for sure. According to the Wiki, 81 is the max level.
  17. In Oblivion, there was no limit to how far you could level, Skyrim may or may not be the same way.
  18. I didn't know it at first. Fallout had a separate button for moving things.
  19. Hold the button you use to search them instead of tapping it.