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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Yep, you look like you would stand on the side of the road in rags, washing people's windshields against their will, then expecting payment. That is indeed a fine hobo beard, sir.
  2. I did, but was distracted. It would be a great basis for a mission. You have to remove your shit-covered pants and walk home in your underwear (heart print boxers, of course), taking alleys and side streets to keep your shame meter from filling up. If the meter does fill up, you are too ashamed to continue living, and you automatically pull out your gun and kill yourself.
  3. Since I was speaking in the past tense, I was clearly referring to GTA IV, in which damaging my vehicle is the only reason I would ever have to replace my car, not running out of fuel. I also see no reason or potential enjoyment (this, of course, being my opinion, with other opinions being meaningless to me unless I explicitly state otherwise) in using a forklift as my escape vehicle when dealing with a 4-star+ wanted level, especially considering the exposed fuel tank (read: big fucking target) on the back of the forklift. As for the AI-related portion of your post, I never said that "no one on planet earth has ever been wasted while attempting to switch cars," I said that I personally do not know anyone who has had difficulty acquiring a new vehicle during a police chase. And yes, if you are given a car you can't get rid of, and you run out of gas, you absolutely are screwed. But if you are given a car that is low enough on fuel that that is a possibility, then the "feature" (i.e., curse) of re-fueling is being forced down your throat rather than being an interesting addition, which it wouldn't be in the first place.
  4. Yusuf did want to franchise Maisonette 9, I don't think it would be much of a stretch to think that Gay Tony - and possibly Yusuf and Luis - could appear as minor characters in V.
  5. I have never had difficulty doing any of that, nor have I heard of anyone else who has. I can't even remember the last time I've had a cop keep up with me, let alone make it difficult for me to get another car. The only reason my car even takes any serious damage in the first place is because I'd rather crash into oncoming police cars than go around them.
  6. I suggest "purging" comments; hiding posts that have been down-voted, then making them viewable by clicking on them. Since most of the comments are fucking retarded, it would save a lot of space.
  7. I found Bernie extremely annoying. Gay Tony, despite being a bit of a drama queen (no pun intended on the 'queen' bit) was a much better gay character, in my opinion.
  8. Wow, that's got to be the most unfortunate them tune ever...
  9. I actually wouldn't mind that at all, if only because I love the "magical negro" archetype.
  10. It's not internet tough guy time, boys. Settle down.
  11. Nice of you all to make my points for me while I was still typing them. The short version is this: When you consider the state of CJ's life at the end of SA (A stake in a casino, manager to an immensely famous rapper, yet forced back into the hood by his narrow-minded hoodrat brother.), there's a 50/50 shot of 2012 CJ being a more successful version of Playboy X or a sadder version of Dwayne Forge, an uninteresting character either way. CJ wasn't interesting in his own game, he certainly won't be interesting in someone else's story 20 years later.
  12. Let's save everyone a lot of time and annoyance here. Give me a list of characters from the III era you'd like to see in GTA V, and I will tell you why they could not/should not come back. If you can provide a decent suggestion for which I have no argument, I will congratulate you extensively.
  13. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and all game companies would lose millions if they went download-only. The vast majority of console game sales are discs, not downloads, and 90% of those downloads (excluding XBLA-/PSN-only games) are PC. Personally, I like the idea of games on flash drives/SD cards, since, last I checked, they go up to 64gb.
  14. We've got enough shit posts in the GTA V section, don't encourage them to post more.
  15. What the hell is that post responding to? That was completely random.
  16. Well, you can use flash drives and external hard drives to store that info now, you don't need to wait on Microsoft.
  17. For me, it's more about that particular character than the fact that he's old. Max Payne is a grizzled badass, but the guy from the trailer just looks like a regular guy, his appearance doesn't suggest even the slightest potential for, uh, badassery.
  18. Not even my beloved Milla can make that shit watchable. They need to do a reboot instead of wasting time on a fifth movie.
  19. Interesting to see Metro on the action horror list. I didn't play it, but apparently the final product didn't have the feel the developers claimed it would have.
  20. When the fuck has that even been an option? Where are all these purchasable cars at? Did I miss them while I was busy taking shit for free? I have so many questions!