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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Does that mean I can stop using the pills? I prefer to save them for the unwilling.
  2. Got it. 8mm. Though, that was more about the movie itself than Cage.
  3. I distinctly remember one movie where Nicolas Cage was fucking epic, but I don't remember what it was. *Checks IMDB*
  4. Yeah, we do. Sorry, that's just how things work here.
  5. *Opens reply window, looks at 'Attachment' and 'Image' icons* Interesting.
  6. She's a Brit. Mercedes Cortez is a reference to the Vice City character.
  7. No, I just stalk her, and, on a good day, break into her house and slip GHB into all the beverages in her fridge. Then it's fondling time.
  8. That actually looks pretty epic. Also, I suddenly want a WWII-era Assassin's Creed. I think I'll head to the AC topic now.
  9. Pull it up and tuck it behind your belt, then go about your business. Or just jerk off. I don't care what you say, there is always time to jerk off.
  10. God damn it, Roman, I turned off my phone so I wouldn't have to talk to you, and you show up on the forums? I'm not going bowling with you, get the fuck out.
  11. That's something I've been thinking about lately. III/VC/SA are clearly set in a different universe than IV, but I wonder how it's going to be with IV. Were TLAD and TBOGT simply expansions, or were they the VC and SA of the IV era, with V starting a new era? The presence of a McReary on the casting call from a while back seems to support the former, as I doubt R* would re-use the name without it being related to IV's McReary's in some way.
  12. It's funny because that would have been a valid excuse.
  13. A real Jew would be happier with the gold.
  14. Well, I guess I need to go buy EFLC.
  15. My Little Dovahkiin. It's awesome and gay at the same time. Like Freddie Mercury.
  16. I think having Richard Pryor's corpse in the game would be more epic than a living version. We could have a whole string of "Weekend at Bernie's" missions. But, you know, with more decay.
  17. Vegas is epic, the Air Force... Well, at least you know a few things about planes.
  18. Oh hey, a topic that doesn't already exist. I didn't know if this could even happen anymore. Cool. I'll be back when I think of something on-topic...