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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. You're damn good at picking up subtle audio hints in these games, bOnEs. Unfortunately, Skyrim has no hula dolls. I know, I was bummed, too.
  2. Sexual healing. Wait, do you still get health from prostitutes? I remember you did in III and Vice City.
  3. If not trolling, then certainly about to be digitally raped.
  4. Sort of. I didn't buy any decorations, though. I just use it as a warehouse that I occasionally sleep in.
  5. My Argonian is a filthy hoarder, he has tens of thousands of septims' worth of shit covering the floor of Breezehome. He hasn't used a single container because he thinks that his loot will disappear if he can't see it, and Lydia is constantly flinging shit around the house because she has to wade through knee-high piles of loot.
  6. *Checks to see if that's an ongoing series* Edit: God damn it...
  7. I'm surprised there hasn't been a mission in one of the Hitman games that had you pose as a plastic surgeon to kill someone with botox.
  8. That happened to me once, but with John Cleese. It was pretty awesome, actually.
  9. What's weird is that I don't pay any attention to Eastern European culture, but after playing through GTA IV several times, I've started detecting small differences in the accents. Fuckin' GTA, making me learn about cultures...
  10. Massacre


    I'm thinking of spending some time with Fallout, myself. Can't decide whether to play New Vegas or go back to Fallout 3 for one last time.
  11. I've never heard of this glitch before. The only thing I can think of is to unsheathe your weapon and then sheathe it, and that might make them stop.
  12. Safe, walled-in cities filled with sturdy stone houses, clean buildings and streets, fresh, healthy food, cool, clean lakes and rivers, but the occasional dragon attack. Decaying ruins, filth everywhere, the choice of 200-year-old pork and beans or some kind of vegetable that barely grew out of the dry soil it was planted in, irradiated water, and a never-ending horde of mutated monsters or psychotic raiders that want nothing more than to rip you to shreds. Those Nords are a bunch of pussies.
  13. You'll see it when you're ready (i.e., after you've done the right quest).
  14. It'll make sense when you do the Dark Brotherhood quests. Whenever you end up doing them. I'd apologize for the spoilers, but, well, all the "mother" dialogue made it kind of obvious, if you've finished the DB quests in Oblivion (and you should have), or at least know any of the DB lore.
  15. That's odd, both links work for me.
  16. They did bum me out, though. I put a lot of work into getting the Dark Brotherhood going in Tamriel back in Oblivion, and then, a couple hundred years later, all my hard work is ruined while I'm off being the Daedric prince of madness. What's even worse, being Sheogorath turned my beloved orc into an Imperial. Obviously, I understand why Sheogorath's a human in Skyrim, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
  17. He's kind of like the Elder Scrolls' version of Jar Jar Binks. I enjoyed reading his journals, though.
  18. Massacre

    GTA 3

    I'm happy to say I have never owned an Apple product.
  19. If they re-used the gangs from San Andreas (unlikely), then, realistically, the Vagos and Aztecas would dominate the ghetto, with Grove Street and the Ballas barely hanging onto any of their turf, as is the case with the modern LA gang scene, where the Hispanic gangs are now in control of most of the ghetto. Personally, I would like to see the SA gangs re-used (without referencing the events of San Andreas or any of the game's characters), and it wouldn't really violate the policy of III-era being separated from IV-era, because those gangs are more like a brand (like Cluckin' Bell, Victim, and other re-used brands from the old games) than a 'character', though I don't think it will happen.
  20. Massacre

    GTA 3

    You were right the first time, 'offence' is the misspelling.
  21. It would get old fast playing GTA - or any game, for that matter - the way a tester has to play. Being a game tester is the most boring, repetitive job you could do, short of working on an assembly line.
  22. Hm, I guess the right sunset can make even a shitty motel look pretty...