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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. He probably just wasn't sure if it was allowed. Despite the fact that GTA is an M-rated series, there are a lot of GTA fansites that are run by morons who think their site needs to be kid-friendly. Well, fuck those people, and fuck their shit sites, we're saying whatever the fuck we want here.
  2. That's what she gets for doing movies that aren't written/directed by Tarantino.
  3. You can say fuck here, no one gives a shit. Also, honky, cunt, etc.
  4. The album came out in '87, but the song didn't hit number 1 until September of '88. Here, anyway. I don't know/care about the UK charts. Or US charts, for that matter.
  5. Agreed. Also, third-person camera. I don't use first-person unless I'm in a cramped tunnel in Fallout or Skyrim.
  6. Ctrl + scroll wheel also changes text size, but 80-year-olds can't do two things at once. Except for shitting themselves while being a burden to everyone around them, they can do that.
  7. Massacre

    GTA 3

    I lol'd at the two "my mother's my sister" questions.
  8. Massacre


    J.E. Sawyer's still working on New Vegas, to an extent. He's doing it alone, in his free time, for no money. Love this guy. http://community.fal...-new-vegas-mod/ He's actually made a shit load of changes, great work.
  9. I liked the underground shops better, personally. I also don't see the need for a shooting range, since I have a whole city full of people to test it out on. There could always be a side room in the underground shops where you can practice shooting, but it's not like there's any need to get 'acquainted' with your new gun like there is in real life.
  10. I was on board at first, - the browns and greens look great - but the blue is too heavy. Looks ridiculous at night, to be honest.
  11. Jesus, you can't just skip an entire console generation like that. I would've lost my fucking mind if I hadn't had five games between 2 and IV (which sounds weird if you don't know how R* does their numbering).
  12. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Yeah, that makes sense.
  14. I've written you a poem. There once were adventurers, Doing all Skyrim's deeds, And they were quite happy To make deliveries. But the job's greatest hazards, Are the arrows you see, For every time they're launched, They go straight for the knee.
  15. Massacre

    Saints Row

    What kind of miserable shit hole do you live in?
  16. Yep, I've had it. Not sure what the problem is on PS3, but on PC it's because of an issue that causes the game to only use 2 gigs of RAM. There's a mod on the Skyrim Nexus that fixes it, but I think the last patch did it, too. Ran into it once with a robe, ignored it, then downloaded the mod after it happened again, but with all the trees.
  17. "Do I really have to stuff my hand all the way in there?"
  18. Kevin Smith does like to put lengthy monologues in his movies. Shame this one isn't as entertaining as Randall's summary of the Lord of the Rings movies.
  19. I still can't get over how much I enjoyed the setting. Constantinople is a beautiful city with a nice blend of cultures and architectural styles, and I frequently found myself walking to my destinations on ground level just so I could see the city itself instead of rows of identical roofs. I didn't really like Cappadocia, though. As a big fan of pirates and smugglers, I really liked the idea of an underground city hidden in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nondescript mountains and only accessible by boat, but the city itself was too flat and not a lot of fun to explore.
  20. Massacre


    I've been pretty disappointed in seeing news about LA Noire, Max Payne 3, and Agent (though I've heard little about Agent) for the last year when GTA is the only R* game I play. Although, technically, that's only one disappointment, even if it is a miserable, grueling, year-long disappointment.
  21. I remember when a pic with a timestamp was the Holy Grail. Haven't played much lately, probably get back into it this weekend. Think I might explore the entire Falkreath-to-Riften area; it's a nice wooded area with less snow than the Northern parts of Skyrim, perfect for my wood elf archer.