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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. How can you not see it? Did you go back to the white theme?
  2. Picking locks in Skyrim is the same as Fallout.
  3. Everything looks the same to me. What's the problem?
  4. Like I said in the car modification topic, if there's car modification, then I'd like a lot of safehouses so I have somewhere to keep my dozens of modded cars. If not, I'm fine with four or five places. We're almost at the point where the regular new members complaining about the noobs is worse than the noobs themselves. Give this topic a couple of days and see if the guys makes any more posts.
  5. Why do you always multi-post and quote said posts? Reading that six times doesn't make it sound any better. Edit: Wait, this is the first time he's done this. Who was that other guy that kept quoting himself and pointing out corrections instead of using the edit button?
  6. Something that would've gotten him votes.
  7. Did you... Go inside? Go in, and if you've been using a bow, kill the draugr lying around before they get up. If you haven't been using a bow, just take out whatever you've been using and hope for the best, then take the ruby claw from the altar, and the gate will open and you can head into the dungeon proper. That's the one with the hall of Draugr at the end isn't it? And you follow the ghost to Olaf One Eye. Yeah. She should be able to survive that, having one companion already, plus backup from the bard's ghost. I did that quest again last night, and it glitched and raised all the draugr at once, Olaf included. That was fun...
  8. Did you... Go inside? Go in, and if you've been using a bow, kill the draugr lying around before they get up. If you haven't been using a bow, just take out whatever you've been using and hope for the best, then take the ruby claw from the altar, and the gate will open and you can head into the dungeon proper.
  9. If you fire Lydia, she'll live there until you come back to pick her up again. And furniture and decorations are purchased separately. The idea of buying a furnished home is an alien concept in Tamriel.
  10. @ZakkWylde I love you. I want to braid your pubes into my beard so we'll never be apart again. @DicksuctionOverdrive You some kinda QD? @ZakkWylde Yah.
  11. inFamous was a great game, and you are a proud american if you did not enjoy it. Still haven't played Dead Nation. I hadn't really thought about all the options I had for unarmed. I've pretty much just used the Heavy Armor perk on my Khajiit at this point. Also, that guy is fucking hilarious.
  13. If they ever added the ability to actually buy a car, I would want some kind of perk in exchange for buying something I could easily have stolen. Having it spawn outside your safehouse like Johnny's bike in The Lost and Damned would be a good enough bonus for me.
  14. You got the quests before going in there, right?
  15. Really killed the excitement there, Duff...
  17. I think they were just going for the new engine, not the graphics. The sky would obviously be an exception. The animations look like the IV-era ones, too. Tommy seems to walk like Luis, I think, but the old character models make it hard to tell.
  18. That edit took longer than I thought. Updated tips.
  19. Farther into the dungeon is a rounded wall with words on it, one is glowing, and the light fades in and out the closer you get to it. Don't do it yet, though, because, based on what you've said, you're not ready for the fight that follows. Wander around killing shit for a while. Some combat advice: Magic kills pretty quickly, but you'll be buying a lot of magicka potions, and most other magic users you fight will use an annoying magic ward that blocks your spells. Bows aren't too effective at first, but spend a few perks on sneak and archery, and you'll be one-shotting most enemies. Shield and sword is good if you have a follower who uses a bow, because you can alternate between blocking and striking while your buddy stands back and flings arrows. Dual-wielding and two-handed are effective, but you'll want to either have a steady supply of health potions, or just spend perks on your heavy armor skill. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to sneak and archery, my wood elf has gotten to the point where I can wander around in clothing instead of armor, so he looks like a hooded/bearded Link. I don't need to armor up unless I see something that I think might get within melee range before I can kill it, or has decent ranged abilities (i.e., dragons, or any bear/sabre cat who's lucky enough to get the drop on me).