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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Get Lydia back, dump all your shit on her, then tell her to fuck off back to Whiterun. She will be your storage space. Also, the house in Whiterun is the cheapest.
  2. "Dude, what happened to your wife and kids?" "Black guys..."
  3. All houses have at least one place to store things, and you can buy furniture and decorations, which includes more storage. In the case of book shelves, you can store books in them like any other container, but they're automatically organized on the shelf. It's nifty.
  4. Not including San Fierro and Las Venturas wouldn't affect GTA V's sales at all.
  5. We need to tear down the shit list, rebuild it in the shape of a cross, and crucify that site. This is a magical level of stupid.
  6. So, they're saying GTA V is related because of a two-minute trailer in which no one fired a weapon. Interesting. Oh, wait, not interesting. What's the word? Retarded. Yeah, that's it.
  7. Vivid Entertainment, porn company. He seems to think R* would waste money getting pornstars to voice insignificant peds in the game.
  8. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Interesting Easter egg: Female Voice 2 (Russian accent) has a line in her idle dialogue that says "I wonder what cousin Niko is up to, its been so long since he called." Also, as an addendum to my previous post in this topic, it's actually Killbane's mask that has a special effect, not the cardinal robes. While wearing Killbane's mask, if you taunt/compliment someone, they burst into flames.
  9. Don't buy gold membership, we barely even use the gold board.
  10. Jail, in the unlikely event it were added to the game, could be handled similar to The Elder Scrolls; you go to jail, you're free to walk around your cell all you want (or in this case, you get let out into the prison yard or the commons), and at any time, you have the option to sleep in your bed, passing the time until your release. So, you could spend as much time as you want exploring the prison, or if you just want to get back to the game, you just go to sleep and then you're out.
  11. Trailer's premiering on the VGA's right now, posting once it hits YouTube. It actually looks pretty cool, mostly because of the 13-year-old girl stabbing mutants with a switchblade. It's being developed by Naughty Dog (Uncharted), so it should end up being good.
  12. Agreed, but I just keep going back to the fact that San Andreas' story felt weird to me because the cites were so different. They're more than capable of putting all three cities in the game, I just feel like one city fits better, one continuous theme throughout the game, rather than three different themes that don't really fit together.
  13. Because you made the sensible and organized 'Argument for San Fierro and Las Venturas' topic, I'm just going to wait and see how things turn out rather than bash your opinion. Anyone else is fair game, though.
  14. Well, you only need the skin for the shirt, the rest is still good for firewood. Or, firebabies, rather.
  15. Dude, you don't just get one, there are no handouts here. You have to tattoo the different words on 15 babies and make the shirt out of their skin.
  16. That should cut down on the noob posts a little. Shame it took an actual response from Dan Houser to do it, when the announcement said the exact same thing and people didn't pay attention. Still, you've done a great service to the forums, assuming it actually does lessen the noob posts somewhat.
  17. Well, you were smart enough to lurk for a while before joining/posting, that's a plus. Then there's the spelling, punctuation, capitalization, understanding of the likelihood with which you will be abused physically, mentally, and of course sexually, knowledge of our dislike for noobish posts, and the fact that you apologized for making an on-topic post in the midst of an off-topic exchange in one of my favorite topics to spam. Yeah, okay, you can live. Welcome, then.
  18. Doing OP's job out of boredom. No real info because it won't be officially revealed until the VGA's, which I don't think anyone watches... http://en.wikipedia..../The_Last_of_Us Edit: Also, the media tags are being gay today.
  19. ^ Agreed, with Guinness being an exception. The only beer I would ever drink.
  20. My dark elf (which is an amazing race, if you're into reading about game lore) went from pure magic to a magic/daggers/bow mix. I'll lay a fire/frost/lightning rune on the ground, then sneak around the corner and put an arrow in someone, back up, throw on my shadow cloak spell (from the Shadow Stone outside of Riften), and wait for the rest to come looking for me. One steps on the rune, him and anyone standing too close dies, they give up looking for me, then I do it all again, throwing in the Throw Voice shout when needed. Very easy way to deal with large groups. For magic users, I do the same, the only difference being that if I'm discovered, I pull out my daggers and go kamikaze, because I don't have the patience to have a magic vs. arrow battle with those cunts.
  21. I hate that you play as this almighty hero of legend with the power of the dragons, but a novice mage can just be like, "Nope," and block a dragon shout with a basic shield spell. It won't stop them from stepping on a fire rune and getting blown up, though. Fuckers. That's really been my only problem after all this time.
  22. I wonder how many of the new members whose topics get merged with another one just think their topic's been deleted. Kind of makes me wonder which ones are one-post wonders and which ones left because they thought their topic was deleted.
  23. No one has insulted you, we've just pointed out how bad you are at making shit up. Put "I would like" in front of your GTA V predictions and stop claiming they're fact, and stop saying that you work for Take-Two, and we won't have any problems.
  24. They will all be fake, unless R* themselves release the pics, and we have a topic for fakes already. Also, in the extremely unlikely event anything gets leaked, it certainly won't be posted on /v/ first.