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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. And I'll brutally sodomize you without lube! And by that, I mean I'll teach you how to ride a bike...
  2. Fuck, I hate Steam. I told it not to update Skyrim automatically, and it did, just like with the last patch. It's not just ignoring what I selected, it's changing "Do not automatically update this game" to "Always keep this game up to date." So, if this patch fucks anything up, I'll let you guys know. Edit: So far so good.
  3. Calendar gay. Don't let that phrase fall out of use, it's my claim to fame.
  4. Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, and Sublime was the official soundtrack for any real stoner in the 90's. Of course, I obviously wasn't a stoner back then, but I heard all of their songs when I was a kid hanging out with my older cousin, who I didn't realize until much later was stoned all the time. I still frequently listen to them when I'm high.
  5. That's a poor example. That kid is barely a meal, and even worse, you'd get AIDS from eating it.
  6. Yeah, Fitty's *ahem* is pretty tiny. Why else would he get a job where he gets to handle a long hose? Compensating.
  7. You can be Mexican without living in Mexico. That's all I have to add to this topic. Oh, wait, I have this, too.
  8. Why do you QDs use Harry Potter as your example for using magic?
  9. Don't hate on Nirvana, you have no idea how hard it was to be a teenager in the 90's.
  10. Fitty's the one left of center, with the, uh, - sprinkles, I guess? - on his chest.
  11. I find it both odd and hilarious that you can download SA from Live and not PSN.
  12. Massacre

    Saints Row

    bOnEs, the next time you're playing, if you have the cardinal robes, throw them on and let me know if anything... odd happens when you taunt or compliment someone.
  13. Just some friendly advice, if you come on this site and start making caps lock posts, I guarantee you that you will either be insulted or ignored entirely. But, we've had several new members who've registered, made one post, and never came back. If that is what you intend to do, then by all means, leave your post as it is and we'll forget you were ever here.
  14. That is possibly the dumbest thing any of our new members have posted, and that's saying a lot. Not that any of the shit you've made up has been believable, but even if it had been, "If u dont believe me send my quotes to R*. I work in Take2 products development," would have been a dead giveaway that it was fake, because 1. Take-Two has nothing to do with the development of GTA, it's strictly R* NYC and R* North. Take-Two is just the company that owns R*, they have none of their own people working on GTA, 2. You'd have to be a complete fucking idiot to claim to have inside info and then say what your job is with the company, because it would take no work at all for Take-Two/R* to find out which employee gave out information and fire them. Anyone who was actually working on GTA would know to keep their mouth shut about their position if they tried to leak any info, and 3. R* NYC and R* North are both based in countries where people actually know how to speak English properly, and your broken English just makes this fake info look even worse. Go find somewhere else to post your bullshit.
  15. Looks like a good way to dispose of my unwanted housecarls.
  16. Massacre

    GTA 3

    It's not coming out on the Sony Xperia Play? Wow, R* actually fucked up, for once. I guess it was bound to happen eventually.
  17. You absolutely are. Whether this is a product of wishful thinking or just plain stupidity remains to be seen.
  18. I would never grow my hair back out. Even if I really, really wanted to, I'd rather just keep shaving it than go through that awkward point where you can't do anything with it that doesn't make you look like a douche. I stand out like a sore thumb at Iron Maiden concerts. Not a lot of people wearing fleece pullovers and opaque rectangular sunglasses, eh?
  19. Guy next to you doesn't look even remotely metal, very out of place.
  20. I'm okay with that. That's the most SFW pic I could find that was still relevant to this discussion.
  21. Ironic that III's hookers have the most normal-looking faces.