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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Gang wars happen all the time in LA, it's not necessarily a reference to San Andreas or GTA V, they're probably just acknowledging that the same thing happens in LS from time to time.
  2. California isn't any worse than any other state, and there aren't any more assholes than any other state, the Cali assholes just happen to be more well-known because LA is in the top three most used settings for movies, TV, etc. Don't get all bent out of shape just because your state's only noteworthy fact is that people used to die of dysentery and cholera trying to get there in a video game from 40 years ago.
  3. I've tried to play realistically before; I drove slower, not really at what I felt was the appropriate speed limit, I just didn't haul ass everywhere I went, and I even stopped at red lights for a while (that didn't last long). The part that I liked best was deciding what missions felt right to do at what time, e.g. attacking a construction site didn't feel right at three in the morning, and shadowing a drug dealer around Bohan wasn't as satisfying at 8am. I was pleasantly surprised when The Ballad of Gay Tony had separate day and night missions, and I hope GTA V does the same.
  4. Just as long as it takes longer to get STD's than it does to get diseases in Skyrim. I get Ataxia constantly.
  5. He wasn't too torn up about it, Kate wasn't very good-looking. Michelle/Karen was hot, as far as pixelated women go, it took a lot of whores for Niko to get over her.
  6. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Much more interesting than the expected ending would have been. I don't mind that they've strayed from the comics that much, but they'd better not fuck up the story with the Governor and the prison. Danny Trejo as the Governor or gtfo.
  7. Surprised Saints Row hasn't done that one.
  8. I long for the day when someone makes a game where I actually can skin prostitutes, especially if there's a minigame where you can make various items out of the skin and use it to decorate your house. Eddie Low needs his own GTA IV prequel.
  9. It was III/VC/SA where they just sat there, in IV and both DLC's, they actually give you a handjob/blowjob or fuck you. I always had one of the fat hookers suck Niko off after a date with Kate because he was extremely frustrated she didn't put out.
  10. I used to participate in spreading memes around the internet, then I took an arrow in the knee.
  11. It's okay, I have an antidote for that. Unfortunately, it's a suppository, and it's the size of a plum.
  12. The noobs are starting to rub off on you, you've stopped reading the other posts. Also, Fuck you.
  13. I think he's misinterpreted the South Park game as some kind of threat to GTA V, which he is calling San Andreas. I may be mistaken.
  14. How do you know they're getting boring if you've only played Undead Nightmare? Besides, R* making a zombie game is nothing like other companies making one. I say we forget about a GTA V: Undead Nightmare and push for R* to make a completely new zombie game. GTA-style urban setting, RDR-style item gathering, Skyrim- and Fallout-style item crafting, New Vegas-style survival mode with food, water, and sleep being necessities, etc. R* is the only company that could make the zombie game of my dreams, if only because I'd like it to be more action-oriented than rpg-like, meaning Bethesda couldn't do it.
  15. It's easier to just click the x next to their sig. I only saw his sig once before I said "Well, that's enough of that shit."
  16. Wow, it's in Spanish and it's poorly typed, never had both before. Spanish is one of the few non-English languages I have an understanding of, and this is still confusing. He's basically comparing San Andreas with this game, for some reason, and something about how he'll go crazy if something isn't crushed.
  17. They said there wouldn't be any III era characters at any point in this new era, not just IV. There's bound to be a billboard with his picture or graffiti mentioning him, but that's R* referencing a past game, not a reference to CJ himself, because CJ no longer exists in the GTA universe. CJ will not be in GTA V, I can guarantee that. The ability to read and remember things that R* has said - and use common sense - doesn't imply that I "think I know it all." Don't join a site and use your first post to be a little cunt.
  18. The more I think about it, the more I think a Pulp Fiction-style protagonist setup could work. We could play as the old guy, and similar to Tommy Vercetti (and Niko, at times), he could have his own plan for things, he'll be figuring out how to make money himself, essentially being his own mission boss, for the most part. Then, there could be a second protagonist (maybe the red car guy?), and he could work with the old guy, and get missions from him and several other characters. So we have two protagonists, one who's in business for himself, and another who's working for whoever he can to make money, and the perspective moves back and forth between the two throughout the game, with several missions where both characters are involved. An example of this could be the scene from the trailer where another character (not the old guy) is in the driver's seat of the van. You play as the old guy during the robbery, while the other guy waits in the van, then the perspective shifts back to the other character for the getaway. It would be kind of like having The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony in one game, seeing the grittier side of LA with one character, and the high profile, big money side with the other. Just something I've been thinking about lately.
  19. Everything went better than expected, haven't had any problems so far. Nearing the end of the Thieves Guild quests, the Nightingale armor is badass.
  20. I tend to just sink into the couch and not get back up for a while. Bad things happen when I don't think about consequences, so it's best if I don't move until the munchies set in and I'm too distracted by that to get into any shit.
  21. I always thought the DNB in the grey shirt looked cool. No idea why I thought you needed to know that.