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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. *Shows up with a hooker* What was that last comment? I was distracted by this girl I'm going to fuck and then never see again.
  2. "Slide the analog sticks up and down to rub penises."
  3. I'm guessing he's the first girlfriend. He ends up being a fed, just like Michelle/Karen.
  4. They wouldn't have had him come up in the trailer so many times if he weren't important to the story, and he was too detailed to just be a random ped. I'm not saying he's the protagonist or anything, but he's someone that's going to be involved in the story somehow.
  5. This topic is still going? Driving's fine, we don't need a clutch.
  6. I don't think it does. Went through a fort on a College of Winterhold quest dual-wielding staffs and didn't raise my skill until I got tired of my fireball staff throwing loot around and went back to regular spells. You do look like a badass with two staffs, though. Also, lol @ spell check claiming that "staves" isn't a word. "Staffs" it is, then...
  7. It's a shame most people don't realize that you can write whoever you want on the ballot. Even if he doesn't end up being the republican candidate, Ron Paul could be president if enough people wrote his name on their ballots. Or do you vote digitally now? Seems to me like getting rid of paper to prevent write-ins could keep the right people from getting into office.
  8. I'd rather have one of the idiot republicans than Obama. The republicans can only screw up by being stupid, but Obama and the people controlling him are actively trying to take away everything that makes this country bearable.
  9. So, Obama won the last election just because he was black. Now that the first black president has proven himself to be a worthless cunt who shouldn't have been in office in the first place, do you think people will be smart enough to not re-elect him? I'm sure the novelty of having a black president has worn off by now.
  10. Just want to go on record as saying I only use glass, no blunts. I wouldn't even smoke bowls if I could afford a vaporizer. Fuck tobacco.
  11. You should use your free time (not all of it, you need to play Skyrim) over the next several years to make this into a real game. I like the concept, because Fallout. Also, I hereby declare "because Fallout" to be an acceptable and grammatically correct phrase. "Dude, we haven't seen you in three weeks, why haven't you left your house?" "Because Fallout..." Also, because Skyrim.
  12. Massacre


    Not to mention the over-used designs that looked like shit even when they weren't adorning the arms of every douchebag in the world.
  13. Massacre


    Found this on the Vault just now. It's an early draft for a Fallout movie written before Fallout 2 came out. Pretty decent read. Hopefully Bethesda gets to work on something like this one day.
  14. Weren't you busy getting shot at back when San Andreas came out?
  15. Even though I'm sure the multiple protagonists rumor is bullshit, I'm kind of hoping it's true just so there will be a younger protagonist and we can have more reckless TLAD/TBOGT-type missions.
  16. I maintain that the "Fuck it, I'm just lazy" (probably didn't get that word-for-word) sign from Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking your Juice in the Hood was the best, and the most honest.
  17. Well, the cops wouldn't give a shit about ghetto areas, they need to protect all the rich assholes in Algonquin. Alderney, on the other hand, makes no sense to block off.
  18. Now, the L3 mission would work. Certain places could have a graffiti-covered delivery van parked nearby, and you could start delivery missions, similar to the ones Little Jacob gave you in IV. Higher levels involve larger amounts of drugs that have harsher penalties if you get busted, and you'll be attacked/pursued/ambushed by better-equipped gang members or cops as the missions progress. I could see that happening, but, as with a lot of ideas people have, it depends on who the protagonist is. I can't see a middle-aged white man in a suit speeding off in a ghetto van to deliver weed to a gang.
  19. Well, GTA has never had a drug-using protagonist (although marijuana isn't a drug), and it never will, let's just get that out of the way now. Although, most new members don't seem to be capable of reading, so I'm sure we'll see this brought up several more times before GTA V's release. As for being a drug dealer, I could see the drug-oriented aspects of past GTA's playing a bigger role, more major deals for kilos at a time, or bigger version of TBOGT's drug wars, maybe even something similar to Chinatown Wars' system of going from place to place, buying and selling drugs, and making profit based on an ever-changing drug economy, but certainly not standing on a corner waiting for someone to come up and buy drugs from you (maybe in a cutscene, but not as a side activity)
  20. You can't make the game recognize the gang version as a different type of car so peds can drive the normal version? Excuse my fail, I've only barely delved into modding with Oblivion.
  21. Well, III and VC had unique names for gang cars, I don't see why SA gangs shouldn't have unique names and colors for their cars. If you feel like doing a little work on textures, maybe you could make a few delivery vans with random gang graffiti? I always liked the Hoods Rumpo Xl in GTA III, it'd be nice to have an SA version.
  22. Tahoma. I loved that car.
  23. I remember someone made a topic back in the day ranting about the lack of water in the pool, that's why I asked. I'm not really sure what the point of this was, though...
  24. But you can't put water in the pool, can you?