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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. He was in Wanted, Terminator Salvation, Street Kings, Smokin' Aces, American Gangster, and some other shit. He's a pretty good actor.
  2. Common is my nigga, so I kind of have to watch it. I'm enjoying it, though. Funny thing is, if they ever did make an RDR movie/show, they probably wouldn't use that guy.
  3. Well, there could/should be at least one area that's not completely covered in sand. Put a Megaton junk wall in the background and say that a there's a group trying to retake parts of London from the sand.
  4. I don't think he meant that it was a GTA V screen, just that the San Andreas screen was supposed to be a hint. I don't even know if that's what you were getting at...
  5. I'm pretty sure that's the actual background on that ride. Someone who actually gives a shit (i.e., not me) should load up IV and make sure. Edit: It's not a mod. Bottom row, middle:
  6. Firefly Island. If you didn't play The Ballad of Gay Tony, you probably didn't even go inside the fence. Not a very eventful place in IV/TLAD.
  7. Massacre


    For future reference, The Vault is leaving the Wikia network. They are now at
  8. Bah, fuck Thanksgiving, taking up time that's better spent gaming. Time to smoke a bowl and travel to the faraway land of Skyrim.
  9. Xperia (the PSP phone) question: Anyone know what the games selection is like, is it pretty much just whatever the PSP has? Verizon has a Black Friday deal where I can get one for free if I extend my contract. Edit: Never mind, found a list, the selection is shit right now. Not going to bother.
  10. Massacre


    I'm not worried about getting a bunch of logos done because it'll all be surrounded by other non-logo tattoos. Besides, some companies will pay you upwards of $20k to get their logo tattooed on you. And I didn't play the first Assassin's Creed, so cutting off a finger doesn't apply to me.
  11. My mouse is a proud american. I was on the Save menu, then clicked 'Load,' but I guess I didn't click hard enough, so when I tried to load that file, I accidentally saved over it. Close to 50 hours, fucking gone.
  12. You lost me after that. I'll leave the culture to the locals, I just want to smoke weed and bang hookers until I find a nice girl to marry and smoke weed with... Then I'll cheat on her with a bunch of hookers. It'll be a simple life, but a good one...
  13. I can't think of a time when they didn't.
  14. Blood will change the world, not words. All those douchebag hipster college students need to drop the fucking poster board and pick up a gun. They're not worthy of those Guy Fawkes masks.
  15. Accidentally saved over my main file. Life no longer has meaning.
  16. Leave it to Bethesda to make the first game where people bitch about having too many things to do. I'd say that's a milestone in gaming history.
  17. I visited Eldersblood Peak and all I got was this lousy t-shirt had to use all my fucking health potions. The ice troll did an okay job of keeping one of them busy, though, and those little covered platforms make for great cover.
  18. If Ron Paul isn't elected president, I'm joining up with those protestor QDs and breaking shit until the police murder me and the media sweeps it under the rug.
  19. Massacre


    Fine. Fucking modfag. I was going to get a Green Lantern symbol on my right middle finger, but that shitty Green Lantern movie kind of killed that plan. I'm getting the Assassin seal either on my left ring finger (which is where they brand the seal in AC 2/Brotherhood) or on the back of that hand. I'm going to get a R* logo (just the R and star, not the box around it) on my right wrist, and either a fleur-di-lis (Saints Row) or a Guild seal (Fable) on my left wrist. This is going on the back of my neck.
  20. Massacre


    He does, I just make him wax it. Cries like a bitch, too.
  21. Massacre


    I'm genuinely surprised you're capable of growing armpit hair.
  22. The Triads were in IV and both DLC's, actually. I was disappointed by how small a role they had, though. Edit: Rape. This is my 1500th post, it has to have rape in it.
  23. That's some reach he's got. They went inside the pants leg, most of the guy's forearm is in there.