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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I've kind of abandoned my alchemy at the moment, so I'm not sure if you can make Skooma or not, but if you can, I'm going to be the biggest dealer in Skyrim.
  2. He's getting a handjob under the table and his buddy Steve is trying real hard not to look. Also, those chairs look like they were stolen from a Motel 6.
  3. Hm, when you take the scale of the mountains into account, Bigfoot is at least five stories tall.
  4. We haven't been to Black Marsh, Eslweyr, High Rock, Valenwood, Sumerset Isle (no desire to go there, though), Hammerfell, or some other places I don't remember. Well, one of the old games had all of Tamriel, I think, but I don't count anything before Morrowind.
  5. The rules don't apply to me. Besides, I was using that pic to reply to that thing you posted. I want it.
  6. It really pisses me off that the dwarves have mysteriously vanished by the time of Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.
  7. Hm, the start-up pic really is hidden. Intriguing. *Continues searching*
  8. Finally. *Looks around, doesn't see any bOnEs-worthy pics* God damn it.
  9. I'm loving the perk that slows time when zoomed. Archery is becoming my favorite method of killing. For my elf, anyway; my orc is still dual-wielding axes only.
  10. A million? I am now going to assume that anyone I see is retarded, just to be on the safe side.
  11. You guys don't seem to get it. Butt sex is good for your prostate, and gay guys have mustaches. Growing a mustache = prostate health.
  12. Logged out (or closed the tab) without leaving the chat room, if I had to guess.
  13. No, I finally took a break from correctly handling a zombie apocalypse so I could go pick some flowers for a fat man in a top hat.
  14. Vicey nailed it. Complete and total lack of anything interesting. Dull farmland, rednecks that are so stupid they're not even entertaining, shitty weather year-round, when you do come across an actual city, it's a shit hole (Cleveland, for example, is basically Detroit with a few white people thrown in). The only remotely noteworthy thing about the entire state is that half the people found on are from there.
  15. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Fuck, now I have to buy that, too.
  16. Disenchant something with a soul trap enchantment, then you can put it on any bow you want. Except the ones that are enchanted already, I think. I'm really enjoying how realistically the villagers react to things. The Companions sent me on a mission to beat the shit out of someone, and once the fight started, half of Whiterun was standing around us, cheering the other guy on and placing bets on who would win. Even the guards got in on the betting. Assholes went with the wrong guy, though; never bet against an Orc berserker. As for the corpses, I've found a few bandits in the river, and there's a skeleton in one of the moats in front of Dragonsreach in Whiterun.
  17. Did you play Undead Nightmare? I don't see how anyone could play that and not want zombie DLC for GTA.
  18. Not Eddie Low? Not in the top spot, no. 1. Packie 2. Little Jacob 3. Billy Grey (he was cool until he turned rat) 4. Eddie Low 5. Gerry McReary My list says a lot about me.
  19. Heard of Sandusky, never been there. I refused to go very far north, things just get progressively shittier the closer you got to Toledo/Cleveland.
  20. Trigger buttons accelerate/reverse, not X/square. New controls are better, get over it.
  21. My condolences. I grew up in Ohio, dreadful place. What part of OH you live in? Welcome back, nigga.