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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Shit, if I go back up there and take a screenshot you'll cum in your pants. I was playing on medium settings and the view from up there blew me away.
  2. Well, without saying why I was heading to the top of the mountain, I set out from the city of Whiterun, pausing out side the gate to take in the full scale of the mountain in the distance. I headed straight for it, a mistake that would cost me quite a bit of daylight, as the mountain soon became too steep for my companion and I to climb. We made our way back down, spotting a camp full of friendly soldiers on the way down. Since it was getting dark, we decided to stay in the camp for the night, sleeping in a warm fur tent after a brief conversation with the group's field commander regarding his soldiers and the goings on in Skyrim. We awoke just before the sunrise, and immediately set out, killing bandits and wolves along the way. Making our way around the other side of the mountain, we finally found the correct path and begin climbing, encountering even more wolves and bandits along the way, and later, my first troll. The trolls are tough, but nothing anyone who's played Oblivion can't handle. Eventually we came to a small village, not unlike the one you visit after the game's opening quest. We handled a few things for the villagers, then began our journey up the 7000 Steps, the path up the mountain whose name I didn't bother to check for accuracy. Wolves appeared several times, including the much tougher ice wolf, a slightly larger wolf with a hint of white in its fur. Around the first appearance of the ice wolf, a vicious snowstorm began; a beautiful sight that threatened to kill my CPU. Soon after, we entered a short path that ran between two rock walls, a dead goat and ominous growling hinting at the danger around the corner. We rounded the corner and found ourselves face-to-face with an ice troll, who proceeded to beat the shit out of me. My companion drew his attention long enough for me to regain my composure, and I attacked from the rear, driving my warhammer into its neck and spine. The beast turned and attacked me again, but I lucked out when the camera cut to a cinematic view and my character executed a brutal insta-kill move. We finally reached the top of the steps, meeting a scene I feared would melt my computer into the floor. It was in front of this stone structure that I chose to end my day, saving my upcoming spoiler-filled adventures for the morning.
  3. Looks like an ancient wooly centipede is attacking that lighthouse.
  4. The building looks incredible. The sand piled up around it needs to be a little more rounded, though.
  5. *Ahem* Riding a dirt bike. Shooting spics... Can't shoot for shit. Think I'll blame CJ. Or, Shooting Mexicans. They are larger than bottles, Somehow can't hit them.
  6. Yup. About to get some sleep, but I'll tell the tale of my journey to the Throat of the World whenever I wake up. While I'm away, someone decide whether or not spoiler-filled stories should go in here or in their own topic.
  7. QD, can you really not spell, or do you just not bother doing it online?
  8. Nothing wrong with cheating. If I can cheat in a video game, I'm bound to do it eventually. I beat GTA IV without cheats, but I eventually decided I don't give a shit about achievements, so now I'll occasionally put in cheats just because I'm lazy. Need to get across town? Fuck it, I'm taking an Annihilator to go drink with Packie. Let's see the cops pull that shit over. Vice City, I killed Sonny Forelli as Sonny Forelli. GTA III, I once played through the entire game as a shopping bag-carrying overweight black grandmother. Saints Row? I don't even bother playing legit. They're not going to take their own game seriously, why should I? Low gravity and bigger explosions for all.
  9. Just for the sake of his emotional instability, tell him it was hilarious.
  10. IV Liberty was only different from III Liberty because the III version looked nothing like NYC. SA Los Santos was pretty accurate, I doubt it'll look that different, probably just a few areas expanded, others moved, maybe some gone entirely.
  11. Bah, graphics card's bitching out on me. Might just be the fact that a village is burning and collapsing all around me, but it started lagging like fuck once I got control of my character. Dropping down to medium, I'll check it again after I get somewhere that isn't falling apart. It did look sexy, though. And I'm rocking a 1600x900 screen. Didn't bother with speakers, just using whatever's built into the monitor. Also I might have to start a 'Spoilers Within' topic just for Skyrim stories, because my posts are going to be TL;DR, they're going to be full of spoilers, and I don't want to use spoiler tags.
  12. He meant Dwayne Johnson as in, The Rock. He was joking.
  13. Posted it in several places, but it wasn't in the Setup/Specs topic, and I don't know where else to look. AMD Phenom II Black Edition (no clue what the fuck 'black edition' is) 8gb DDR3 750gb HDD Nvidia 9500GT All I need to play on max settings is a non-shit graphics card. Should be able to run this at or near high. Edit: It auto-set the graphics to high, good sign. As for Dup's story, I'm actually considering writing a story as I play this (on my second or third file, just going to enjoy the game to start with), just chronicling my experiences in Skyrim in the creepy verbose that I do so well. Accompanied by screenshots, of course. What's wrong with the controls? Are they different from Oblivion? The community always fixes what the company won't. Any issues you have (aside from the controls) will have a mod to fix it within a week. Not saying your complaints aren't justified, just saying it'll be fixed soon.
  14. Didn't go to the midnight launch, but I'll be an orc, most likely. Although, unless they disable console commands (I play on PC - MODS), I'll probably change my race a few times.
  15. I refuse to acknowledge this as a glitch. This was MEANT to happen.
  16. It's the video, not the strategy. Like OPX said, they had the whole fucking game on there.
  17. Why the fuck would you spend more than $10k on any car? Shit, even that's more than I'd pay.
  18. I'd rather have a game set in San Fierro for an Asian protagonist.
  19. They do look and sound very similar. If he is the main character, it's ironic that he was talking to Frank Vincent at the start of the demo reel. Edit: Wait, it might be that other guy that I always confuse with Frank Vincent.
  20. Skyrim actually does have shit like that, if I remember correctly. I think I read somewhere that if a dragon attacks a village and you run away, the village will be inaccessible for a few days while it's being rebuilt. Can't remember if it was from a preview or just some guy's wishful thinking.
  21. The guy in the upper right of the pic was me five years ago. I too have reached a similar level to the guy in Dup's pic. And that includes the chaps.
  22. Comparing GTA and Saints Row is like comparing Scorsese and Tarentino: They're too different to compare, they're both brilliant in their own way, and if you don't love them both, I hope you get AIDS.