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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    There are no subjective assumptions involved in quantifiable data. Everything about a phone is quantifiable. How it feels in your hand? Basic ergonomics. How videos look? Screen resolution. Number of apps and overall quality and functionality of those apps? OS, OS owners' willingness to allow their users a wide array of options, and level of app devs' competence. It's all just a bunch of numbers. Objectivity is the only unbiased truth. It was illogical feelings and opinions that derailed a discussion about electronics into a philosophical debate, after all.
  2. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    Nothing subjective can ever be accompanied by a definitive statement declaring something the absolute best and discounting all competition without being entirely unreliable. By definition, the subjective can only be an opinion. The main thing to note here is that, for all we know, cuda still uses an old flip phone, and smartphone superiority is a subject that has never crossed his mind. He leads a rather minimalistic life when it comes to the material, after all.
  3. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    I've used an iPhone, and it didn't possess a single advantage over my S5. Any other purely subjective arguments you folks want to make?
  4. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    ... if you live in a parallel universe where Android doesn't exist.
  5. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    Gas masks, surgical equipment, and BDSM gear are never a waste of money. Also, I'm at the unfortunate point in my life where there is nothing I can buy that will bring me any happiness, so I can't really relate. Buy the watch and savor the feeling while you can. Clock is ticking on that shit. Pun not intended. If you're going to spend all that money on something you're accidentally going to smack against a wall, after a few weeks, you might as well spring for the extra coverage.
  6. If it's not available when you call Mors, you're going to have to get in touch with Rockstar Support.
  7. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    Why do you want an Apple Watch? Being called a douche online isn't enough? This is that pivotal moment in your life when you get to decide what kind of person you want to be. Is a tiny wristphone really worth it?
  8. Sure, sure. It totally wasn't the deer asses.
  9. If the theme for May 5th isn't clear, then none of you know how to party. At all.
  10. Massacre

    Mad Max

    Mel Gibson did nothing wrong. Except for basically all of his political beliefs. Doubt it. We'd hear about Fallout IV at least a year in advance.
  11. Massacre

    Mad Max

    Needs more Fallout.
  12. The Olympics aren't until next year... but the Special Olympics are this July. Get your derp on, iGTA.
  13. The combat is mediocre, high-level enemies are artificial difficulty rather than genuine challenge, you can only fight with a sword, most of the useful game mechanics are gone (like whistling, to draw enemies to a hiding spot), armor is overpriced (with only a handful of ways to make money) and the story is dull. Unless you have a deep, inexplicable interest in the French Revolution, I'd say skip it.
  14. That would explain it. I've never gone farther than the parking lot, and only during that mission.
  15. I don't recognize the place in those last few shots. I think that means I haven't played V completely to death, yet. *Boots up PS4*
  16. I'm probably going to end up buying it on next gen, too. Unity was a pretty big step backwards, made me miss the better days. Black Flag was a near perfect game, aside from a slightly dull final cutscene.
  17. #clothesnazi #cancelbones #green #schoolgirlfetish #cantcontroltheboner #college #collegedropout #suckingdickforgoodgrades #ilookgoodinplaid #myfemalecharacterhasapenis #idontevenhaveapsplussubscriptionanymore
  18. I think a couple of the most overpriced schools with the highest number of douchebag attendees have uniforms. Most don't, because there is literally no reason for any school ever to require them. I assume iGTA U requires them solely because schoolgirl outfits bear substantial hotness.
  19. Just spell iGTA with Greek letters.
  20. Not enough information here for a civilian to track you down, and we sure as shit aren't on anyone's priority list, as far as surveillance goes. As long as you aren't going around telling everyone you know that you're growing, you're not going to be caught. I don't know why they're even bothering to say anything, other than idle conversation and lack of anything better to do.
  21. Brian's going to narc on you when your plant is budding properly.