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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. $60 is too much for a CoD game, this is just treachery to the game industry. Why would anyone encourage this shit?
  2. I find it odd that everyone's reading 'biggest' as literally the biggest game/map, when it probably just means it their most ambitious and expansive game. Doesn't imply that it's their biggest map at all.
  3. It wasn't a 'crime doesn't pay' message, it was a 'the feds are assholes and they all need to be shot in the face' message. John didn't do shit, the feds betrayed him. Also, Niko doesn't get anyone killed. Just like RDR, it's a case of the people you work for betraying you.
  4. The fuck? Who a/s/l'd you? *Looks around*
  5. Lol, Sexy has negative rep. *Fixes*
  6. I'll come hang with you. I'll hang out with anyone who has weed and hookers.
  7. Massacre

    Uncharted Series

    Aw. If I had a wife, all she would buy me was weed and bondage equipment.
  8. The V just means money, doesn't suggest gambling. Also, no accent at all on the voiceover. Give the trailer a 500th listen.
  9. That's fucking stupid. I hope whoever bought it winds up broke and homeless, because he's too stupid to be allowed to handle money.
  10. Tommy was the ideal protagonist for me. The way he lived was "This is how fucked up shit is, and this is what we need to do to fix it." And he did it, simple as that. He never gave any indication that he enjoyed killing hundreds of people, but he didn't shy away from it either.
  11. It's because Niko had too much of a conscience. He could barely pull a trigger without going into an emo rant.
  12. Women want to be treated equally in the workplace, I'm going to make it happen. One bullet at a time.
  13. Massacre


    The ending fucking sucks.
  14. Wouldn't care one way or the other. I'm going to shoot a female officer in the face just as quickly and enthusiastically as a male officer.
  15. I suppose I should actually watch the video to justify entering this topic in the first place... Why did I come in here, anyway?
  16. *Enters topic, thus turning it into the Asylum* Yeah, I can do that now.
  17. R* and Team Bondi aren't friends anymore, no MotionScan for us.
  18. Looks like the bum that finds the diamonds in TBOGT to me. Doesn't look like Packie in the slightest.