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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. The text in the 'Latest Forum Discussions' and 'Newest Content Updates' is still blue, though.
  2. I don't think I could ever see a guy dressed like that and not at least consider punching him in the face.
  3. Ray said he wouldn't work with R* again. Apparently, after he found out how many copies of Vice City were sold, he suddenly wasn't happy with getting paid the same as all the other voice actors. Personally, I think it'd be a waste to give him the kind of money he would want. The money's better spent on the game itself. Not that I wouldn't like to have Ray's voice back in GTA, just letting you know what happened.
  4. Wow. A new banner, a few small tweaks, and suddenly the site looks fucking brilliant.
  5. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Duff also mentioned it in the chat room. True there is no evidence that planes are flyable, but I don't think R* would go out of their way to put that many shots of planes flying in the trailer if they weren't. They know that it's something a lot of people wanted back, I don't think they would lead everyone to think they we could fly them just to disappoint. Yeah, and being thats its a remake of SA where you could fly virtually every airplane, its logical that you could fly planes in GTA 5. Also, the plane(s) in IV where the Commerical airplanes, at least that was the only one that you see flying, would be extremely time consuming and hard for Rockstar to put into GTA IV. San Andreas is known for its vast landscape and wide variety of vechicles and airplanes, so it just wouldn't make any sense not to have them in it. I'm not saying we can't fly them, I'm just saying don't jump to conclusions. People are making way too many assumptions based on a minute-and-a-half trailer. Maybe I've just become jaded, but I'm content to just sit back and see what happens rather than try to pull info from one trailer.
  6. Granted, it wouldn't cost much to hire Clifton Collins Jr. I could probably hire him to do something for less than R*'s standard voice actor payment (10 grand, I think).
  7. Now that I look at it more, the Ruiner was more angular, this car is smooth. Not sure what it is.
  8. It is pretty similar, actually. I've never seen an interview with him before, never heard him speak out of character. I think it'll end up being some guy we've never even heard of, though. R* realized they can make a better game if they don't spend a fortune on celebrity voices.
  9. R* probably wouldn't do it (Do they really need the added controversy?), but I see what you mean.
  10. It would work. They could do the main game, then add the other cities as medium-sized $20 games (available in both disc and download form), either with new characters or the original main character (as long as the original character has a reason to go to the other city). Somewhere between the IV DLC and the Half Life 2 episodes. I have a feeling R* would never go for it, but it's an idea, at least.
  11. Not sure if it's called a Wrangler, but they did recently start making what's basically a four-door Wrangler. And the Buffalo in SA was a Camaro, I think. They used 'Buffalo' for the Charger in IV, and 'Ruiner' for another car that was similar to the SA Buffalo. This might be a Ruiner, or it might be something new.
  12. Exactly. There's no indication at all that you can fly planes. There were planes in the sky in IV and you couldn't fly them. I don't get why people think seeing a plane automatically means you can fly it. Now, we might end up being able to fly planes, but that doesn't change the fact that as of right now, there is zero evidence that the planes are flyable. Hell, it might even end up that R* found a way to make it work and all of SA is in the game, but it's still highly unlikely. But the 3 cities are also completely different settings as well and are all stylistically different. I know it is 3 islands making up a city vs 3 cities making up a state. All I'm saying is it is still 3 different areas. The four islands in IV aren't different settings. You meet different people and do different missions, but the islands aren't all that different and the game has the same theme all the way through. In San Andreas, every new area has a completely different theme and style, it was like more like playing four short games than one long game. As great as SA was, the story didn't really work all that well and it would take some serious thought on R*'s part to make it work for GTA V.
  13. The four (not three) islands in GTA IV aren't completely different settings with different styles and different themes. Multiple islands making up one city is nothing like multiple cities making up a state.
  14. I'm thinking it's just an expansive countryside, no other major cities. R* sticks with a consistent theme now. With three completely different cities (five total environments) in San Andreas, the story was all over the place, R* has to know that. I doubt we're getting the whole state. And for the record, Vegas revolves too much around just one thing to have it's own game. Unless I'm wrong and all of SA in in GTA V, don't count on seeing Las Venturas again.
  15. One thing I've always wondered is why we never randomly stumble on someone else with a hooker. I know I'm not keeping the whole city's sex trade going myself. Maybe that'll end up in V.
  16. Something interesting that Dup mentioned, which I am now expanding on, it's possible we play as the other guy, and the old guy is an important character who we either work with for most of the game, or he turns out to be the antagonist. Old fella might just be giving a little of his own back-story.
  17. Yeah, if the green 'loading' thing pops up, then it made the post, even if you don't see it.
  18. I'm interacting with my penis. It is now bleeding.
  19. Vincent Vega is the only heroin user I've ever seen that wasn't a piece of shit.
  20. I don't like the way the protagonist looks so far. 35-year-old Niko wasn't good enough? We really need a 40-something with kids? I don't know, I'm sure I'll come around to the idea eventually... Five bucks says he's got a 17-year-old daughter and we have to rescue the dumb bitch at some point.