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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Dropped down to 5. It should go back up eventually.
  2. I only vaguely remember you from back in the day, but you don't remember me at all (don't worry no one ever does), so fuck it, welcome back. QD is still around, Dunpeal drops in from time to time, and Mello has been back once or twice. Other than that, all our vets are either gone, or just not on your list...
  3. Marney made a topic for it.
  4. Just hover your cursor over his name, then click "Send Message" in the window that comes up. Handy little forum addition, that was.
  5. IGN's been on my shit list so long I can't remember why it was there in the first place...
  6. Agreed. Undead Nightmare was fun, but a zombie GTA DLC would be infinitely better.
  7. GTA's always been drug-free when it come to protagonists. They might buy or sell, but they don't use (the only exception being alcohol and the adrenaline pills from III/VC). I wouldn't want to play as a piece of shit junkie, anyway.
  8. Massacre

    GTA 3

    He's got a room in a gay brothel, they let him stay there because he does so well organizing/performing in the cross-dresser play they put on every Friday.
  9. That post need comments about gay people. Something to do with gerbils.
  10. I fondly remember the time when I recorded the Vice City "mission complete" music and proceeded to play it any time I made a minor accomplishment.
  11. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Here are the pics, if you haven't gone back and found them already.
  12. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Nope. Unless you want to change him into his prison outfit or put his non-weapon-holding hands on.
  13. On the rare occasions when I actually do dream, it's very frequently about a zombie uprising.
  14. Massacre

    GTA 3

    My Claude figure just got here. Ooh, free stickers!
  15. That clearly is complete bullshit. Also, I would have to murder everyone working for all R* branches, because I would never be able to download a file that huge.
  16. We support all offensive stereotypes here. Mexicans are lazy, black people are unemployed and don't pay their child support, Asians can't drive, Jews are greedy and have massive noses, etc.
  17. ... Gay's Guys are a homosexual street gang run by Gay Tony's brother, Guy. Sorry, I missed the apostrophe and capitalization. /save
  18. I'm less excited because I just realized I probably won't be awake when the trailer drops, and that's if the trailer even gets seen at the scheduled time; I'm still anticipating a site crash like GTA IV. No amount of preparation can safeguard against the kind of numbers GTA can pull in.
  19. Don't apologize, I lol'd while typing that up. More than makes up for it.
  20. Dyes? This just in: In GTA V we play as a hippie in San Fierro, Wade Moonfuck. Wade works in a head shop/hippie clothing store, making tie-dye shirts for a living - until the robbery. A masked gang member bursts into the store one day and attempts to rob the store. Finding only $40 in the register, the gang member steals a bottle of Wade's dye and flees the scene. Wade then embarks on a revenge mission unlike any other, meeting black people and gays guys along the way. Unfortunately, he dies at the end, never again getting the chance to dye.