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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. And let's not forget the insta-kill moves you get when you use a gun in melee range in RDR.
  2. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Just a heads up, they dumbed down character creation. All facial hair sucks, and so do most of the tattoos. The actual character and most of the clothing looks better though.
  3. I see what you did there... I'm just not sure why you did it.
  4. Massacre

    Saints Row

    If you register on GameSpot through this link, you can get early access to the character creator for Saints Row 3. Just make sure you click the right system first, I accidentally got the 360 version. http://www.gamespot....&tag=stitialclk
  5. Sorry but do you have any proof to back this up? I live in DC and this isn't true... I don't need any proof. 'Half' is obviously an exaggeration, but there are plenty of places that only government personnel can go. And I'm only talking about the main part of DC, I don't give a shit about the suburbs or the ghetto.
  6. The new guys are probably just the guests that are always around. Finally decided to join up now that GTA V's been announced.
  7. Radio Broker? Yeah, I could've done without it. Although I am a fan of Kreeps now because of GTA IV and Undead Nightmare.
  8. Right, but DC's ghettos aren't any different from any other ghetto, the only exception being that the president lives eight blocks away. I think Vinewood is unlikely because of LA Noire, but it does fit with the voice actor postings. San Fierro is another city that fits this bill. Something to keep in mind is that one of the characters was a some kind of pro-marijuana activist... Or something like that. Looking over the list of weed states narrows the list down a little. Mainly Cali and Nevada.
  9. I feel like DC would be a huge waste unless we got to shoot up the White House. Half of DC is inaccessible to the public, so I would expect a lot of accidental six-star wanted levels if that's where it's set.
  10. Lol, good job locking that name down. Welcome to the forums.
  11. Fucking BOSTON. Oh wait, think not want. Derp. I dunno, somewhere I would find disappointing in theory, but will immediately change my mind about once I see the trailer.
  12. < Has season 1-5 box set, watches religiously. I love how Danny Devito's character degenerates more and more each season. The rum ham really topped off his character this season, especially after they pulled it from the ocean and he immediately took a bite.
  13. Join date aside, this guy is quickly earning his way out of that noob title. Shit, he passed Demon and Pieface up just by joining. But yes, he is still a noob for the time being. *Contorts Birdie into a throne shape* *Sits*
  14. Think I've mentioned this already, but they need to fix the walking. I hate when I round a corner and Niko leans in the direction he's turning. He's not a fucking motorcycle, he doesn't need to lean to make a turn.
  15. Straight guys can't make dresses? *Stealthily kicks pile of fabric and sewing supplies back under bed*
  16. They're either starting a new pattern and going with IV's release time (end of April), or it won't be done until the old release time at the end of October (next year, obviously).
  17. I wonder if Bryan Cranston ever thought he would be considered one of the best actors on television back when he was on Malcolm in the Middle.
  18. Did you sneak in there to molest that thing, or do you make dresses?
  19. Possessing no evidence whatsoever, I'm still pushing for Boston. Fuck I love Boston.
  20. Despite what GTA IV's graffiti might imply, they're not dead, they're just not part of the new story.