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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Not going to hate on you, but you seriously need to play GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas. Like, right now.
  2. Massacre


    Not like I've been posting in here much lately, anyway. I'm too distracted by all the games coming out this fall, and now GTA V.
  3. You can still be a QD, just sign up, and don't be a noob.
  4. So, Biggs finally realized his career isn't going past sticking his dick in pastry?
  5. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Fuck protagonists, where's my anatomically correct Piggsy figure?
  6. Massacre


    No, because it's not out yet. New Vegas is done, no more DLC. I'll worry about Fallout when Psy makes a site for it.
  7. I'm thinking either D.C., or just some place with a lot of bank robberies. After watching The Town (Ben Affleck's second good movie), and keeping Packie in mind, I'm still thinking Boston. I've been getting the same error whenever I try to change my avatar. No idea what the problem is.
  8. Pfft, you ladies can fight over the logo all you want. I'm burning this thing into my forehead.
  9. < Remembers Kuwong. Fuck yeah, welcome back. I knew this announcement would get a few vets back.
  10. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Retro Month is fucking over. GTA V, motherfucker!
  11. Massacre


    Sorry, guys, I just stopped giving a shit about Fallout. I'll be back when 4 is announced...
  12. If anything, it'll bump up SR3's sales by a lot because people are going to want to play a new open-world crime game as soon as possible. Best thing that could've happened to SR3, really. Basically, what I'm getting at is, go fuck yourself.
  13. When are you two planning to meet up and blow each other?
  14. The Uncharted/Nathan Drake/Nolan North articles on Wikipedia don't say it's him playing Drake, but I'm pretty sure it is. If it really is him, that just further shows how stupid Hollywood is, because he's perfect. I hope Mark Wahlberg dies before they get too far along on the Uncharted movie. I would gladly let one shitty actor die to save this movie.
  15. Massacre


    Between this, the November releases, and my Claude figure, I'm spending a shit ton of money this season. My unemployment money's wearing thin, too. Anybody want to offer me a job? I'm really good at jobs involving bladed objects.
  16. Massacre


    Much as I enjoy it, I do regret buying it. It's a good game, I just wish I'd waited a few months. Not worth $60, in my opinion.
  17. You should definitely pre-order, the bonuses look fun.
  18. Fingers crossed for this being complete bullshit. I don't want new consoles yet. 2015 at the earliest.
  19. Massacre


    Buy Fallout 3 or gtfo.
  20. Massacre


    Straight from Chris Avellone himself. Well, straight from the Vault, who got it from Avellone's blog. That 'new frame,' of course, being the ED-E copy.
  21. Massacre

    GTA 3

    *Paints controller gold* There. Just saved myself three hours.
  22. They got a really good guy to play Cole, too. Makes me want an Infamous movie.
  23. Great episode. There should be more comedic pedophilia on television.