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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Hmm, now that I know I don't need to open it to display it, I'll have to think of a way to justify opening it...
  2. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Weird, probably, since I don't think they had a widescreen option on games back then.
  3. Stealthy Nazi-stabbing is a pretty open market. If you ever get over the WWII portion of your wish, try Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood. It's similar to how I imagine the Saboteur is.
  4. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Suddenly, I'm extremely pissed they're releasing this for mobile devices instead of putting it on XBLA/PSN.
  5. The market was so over-saturated with WWII games during the late-PS2/Xbox-early-PS3/360 era, it was disgusting. There was literally a new WWII game every month. To this day, I still don't know what inspired this barrage of Nazis and bombed-out countryside, but there it was, every fucking month, and none of the games were any good. While I still haven't played it, the Saboteur is the first WWII game I've ever seen that looked original, and while there are games with similar styles, it's probably the only game of its kind that takes place during WWII. Sorry homes, looks like you're out of luck.
  6. I don't know why every company decided to release their games now, competition is heavy. Even GTA could be overshadowed by all the shit that's coming out this season.
  7. Massacre

    GTA 3

    The way phones are now, I don't see why the mobile version couldn't look close or equal to the PC version. They either added outfits to the mobile version, or it was a modded PC version, because Claude was wearing a different outfit.
  8. I just saw the most recent trailer. This game looks incredible. Still, I know I won't spend as much time with this as I will with Saints Row 3 and Skyrim, so I'm still going to wait for a price drop.
  9. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Is there supposed to be a picture here?
  10. Massacre

    GTA 3

    If you haven't already, you guys should check out Sideshow Collectables' site, they make some great stuff.
  11. Damn, we really are going retro. *Hunts around GTA-SA archives for old sigs*
  12. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Fuck yeah! I'm gonna go download GTA III illegally!
  13. Massacre

    GTA 3

    You know what, fuck it. From now until I receive my Claude figure, I officially declare it to be Retro Month. 2001, bitches!
  14. Massacre

    GTA 3

    I'd either sell one, or put it in the prison uniform and display both of them. Or maybe I'd take advantage of having an expendable version and start working on a stop-motion GTA III movie...
  15. Massacre

    GTA 3

    I'm a cheap bastard, so the fact that I actually payed $170.42 (after shipping and tax) says just how much GTA III means to me. Shame it doesn't come packaged with GTA III for PC, though. I've wanted to replay it all week, but my PS2 took its last breath ages ago. I held off on buying the Kubrick sets, but I couldn't resist this.
  16. Massacre

    GTA 3

    A year from now is the ten-year anniversary of Vice City, maybe we'll get a Tommy figure, too. Then again, as awesome as Vice City was, it's really nothing compared to what GTA III did for R*, and the gaming industry as a whole. Worth every penny.
  17. Massacre

    GTA 3

    1500. Considering how unlikely it is that I'll be winning one, I'm pre-ordering right now.
  18. Massacre


    You're too drunk to realize that it's obvious you're in Boulder City, that's for sure. The rescued NCR soldiers are a dead giveaway.
  19. Massacre


    Reminds me more of the main city in Borderlands than anything. Oh, and don't forget to look around the mayor's desk. You'll chuckle when you see what I'm talking about.
  20. I would do it if someone posted a plain 'exploitable' cutout of your face, but I'm too lazy to do the cutting myself.
  21. What are those portable toilet-looking things that the cops sit in, those kiosks? Put in one of those, converted into an outhouse. Also, I don't know if you feel like doing any major changes to it, but the bus would look great as an open-top double-decker. The upper deck could be, well, a deck. It looks like the bus is at the top of a hill or sand dune, so the upper deck would be a good sniper perch, assuming this wasteland is a hostile place. And a phone booth. I don't know what purpose it would serve, though. Maybe an overturned booth could be a tank for some kind of small animals, something to be raised for food? If you need a makeshift prison or some sort of slaver camp, the booths could be wrapped in chain link fence and used as cages. I dunno, it depends on what kind of wasteland it's supposed to be. I've got plenty of ideas but I don't know what kind of style you're going for.
  22. Someone needs to cut the head out and make it a spinning gif. Spiral background, of course.
  23. Massacre


    I haven't gotten very far, and I haven't been paying attention to some of the names, but I think Wellsprings is more like Megaton.
  24. Massacre

    GTA 3

    For the record, if I don't win, I'm buying it. There's no way I won't be getting one of these.