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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    Yeah, I spent forever talking to the think tank. Then Dala scanned me. Hard. But Mobius is the coolest, you'll see. Mmm, Mentats...
  2. Massacre


    Fuck. Now you have information that probably doesn't make any sense because I don't know if you've finished OWB and moved on to Lonesome Road yet.
  3. The original goal was to have both forums be used, but everyone just came here and left the old forums to die. We should just archive the iGTA forums and have the forum link on iGTA redirect you to iGTA5.
  4. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I got distracted and re-watched this multiple times looking at the background.
  5. Holmes and Watson are going to fuck? Took them long enough. Also, Lukewarm Tea Scandal.
  6. That's pretty much the coolest shit ever. Also, I like that a two-minute video is better and more true to its various source materials than any video game movie in history.
  7. Massacre

    FIFA 12

    That shows just how stupid the human race is.
  8. Massacre


    I think Mick & Ralph's is a guaranteed spot to buy the katana. A couple of tips: Once you get two mods for the katana, it seems to take forever for the third to show up, and the sheath has a tendency to glitch out and stay on your hip regardless of what weapon you have equipped. If that happens, just save and quit, then reload from the main menu. Also, let us know how Rage goes, Synch. I'm planning on getting it after a couple price drops. I'm not sure what system to get it on though. PC seems ideal, but it looks pretty graphically demanding, and I've heard it's a 25-gig install. I've also heard the 360 version comes on 3 discs.
  9. Massacre


    I'd just like to mention that the Fallout topic has dropped to third in overall page views, but still has the highest number of replies.
  10. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I'll get that one right away.
  11. I usually have a complete lack of interest in the outside world, but Lima is lovely.
  12. Massacre


    Yeah, even my PC has been lagging playing New Vegas for a while, but for some reason, the Divide ran smoothly for me. Things were just as shitty as before once I went back to the Mojave, though. Lonesome Road majorly fucked my load times up.
  13. Pfft, 9/11 was nothing compared to the Great War. October 22, 2077 - Never Forget
  14. Well, yeah. I can't count the number I've times I've played Fallout or GTA when I felt like murdering the entire population of a small rural town. Who knows how many people I would have killed if it weren't for video games. And this is regular Massacre talking here, not Asylum Massacre. Video games keep me out of prison.
  15. Link? Unless the video itself isn't creepy, in which case, meh.
  16. Massacre


    Unfortunately, you can't wear the helmet. Even though it is a wearable item, it's NPC-only, like the Burned Man's bandages. As for the space suit, there should be one on a shelf in the control room in the Repconn basement. If you go back to check, remember the manhole outside that goes directly to the basement, no need to run through the whole building.
  17. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Saints Row 3 achievements. Probable spoilers.
  18. I'm sure there are mods for it, and possibly a mod that adds a turban to Niko's wardrobe.
  19. She's just laying there. That must be the kind of spider whose venom paralyzes you instead of killing you. I'm assuming you got out the family warhammer and defeated this beast before it ate her alive?
  20. Massacre


    I'm having ridiculous amounts of fun with the Bozar. I think it's time to make another courier purely for sniping purposes. It shouldn't take too long to get together enough caps to buy the Bozar, and Sleepytyme for close-quarters.