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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I've been aware of this for some time. I see the Housers every year at the Cult Leaders' Conference.
  2. Massacre


    I don't know, Lonesome Road looks a lot tougher than Dead Money. As much as I'd like to get to it as soon as possible, it looks like there are serious preparations to be made before you can walk that road.
  3. Massacre


    The red things, they look like they've been skinned. I'm thinking it's something like the Troggs in the Pitt: Not quite ghouls, but some similar or more severe level of mutation, with various levels ranging from mostly physically intact, but crazy, to monstrous and, uh, more crazy. As for their being two coats like that, Ulysses says to "Bring your bull, or two-headed bear, or whatever flag you're carrying now," so I'm guessing you find one of the coats early on and it displays the symbol of whoever your allegiance lies with. Now, the screen that might be from the Mojave? All the Lonesome Road stuff appears to have that same hazy, dusty look to it, and this screen is normal Mojave lighting. There aren't any visible landmarks that make it clear it's the Mojave, but it's a wide-open area, too big for it to be part of Lonesome Road, because the urban area we've seen looks huge. I'm thinking the DLC will actually have some effects outside of the confined DLC zone for once.
  4. Nobody makes a trailer like R*. This trailer took me from "This isn't GTA V, fuck this," to "I'm totally going to buy this used a year after it comes out."
  5. < Has everything. *Skips away, never to think of RDR again (until they announce a new game)*
  6. Click 'Edit Profile' and there's one of those arrow cross things (whatever the fuck they're called) on the window. Click and drag, nigguh.
  7. Massacre

    Dead Island

    I haven't played anything in the Resistance series, so I would take this over Resistance 3, too.
  8. Massacre

    Dead Island

    $60 at Gamestop, $55 at Wal-Mart. Guess you Brits are just lucky twats.
  9. Much like Twitter, I made a page just to lock down my name. I'll probably never touch the site again.
  10. Hope you guys have some free time... 20 minute Skyrim demo from E3.
  11. Massacre

    Dead Island

    It looks great, but, first person? Fuck. If I ever buy this, it probably won't be until long after the rest of the world's forgotten it, I don't see myself spending $60 on this and being cool with it.
  12. Never heard of it. Looks like a good way to stalk someone online, though. I'm interested. I almost want to make a page. I think having that blank Twitter page is having negative effects on me.
  13. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I'm going to finish it solo first, and when I do, I'll mention it here. After that post, I'll more than likely be up for online shenanigans any time. But PSN had better stop being a cunt and learn to love my internet connection, because they've announced that they're going to be working on enough DLC to keep us interested for at least a year (I think they said 40 weeks' worth, that's one piece of DLC a week for 40 weeks), and I don't want to have to buy a second copy of the game just to download it.
  14. Massacre

    Saints Row

    One word: Webcomic. That has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.
  15. Massacre

    Saints Row

    It's no more cartoony than last-gen GTA was, anyone who isn't a cunt will find it fun, comic books are awesome.
  16. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Then get the fuck out of here.
  17. And in the future, when there is naughty language directed at you, it's nothing personal, I just enjoy verbally abusing people.
  18. Yes, we are. There's a topic about it here: God damn it. Fuck you, Fitty.
  19. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Fuck, this game is getting insane.
  20. What I take away from this topic is that all of you are proud americans except Vicey and bOnEs.
  21. By GTA V, they're going to paint the cover art on the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel.
  22. Massacre

    FIFA 12

    Looks gay. Probably because soccer is gay.
  23. Massacre


    Laggy little ho is a possibility. I've never crippled a limb without doing damage to it before, so it sounds like a glitch.
  24. Massacre


    Only if the company that makes the vaults is called Vault-Tec. This is completely different from a company making underground vaults for survival.