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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Is it electric, or is there a half-gallon gas tank hidden in there somewhere? Never mind, I see it now. *Derps, walks off*
  2. Massacre


    Well, if they really want to do it right, Bethesda could always just do a CGI series instead. I only wanted a proper network so they would have a larger budget for a live-action show, but CGI would be cheaper.
  3. So they went from making a mediocre detective game for one of the greatest game companies of all time, to working on a fucking cartoon penguin movie. Fail, hard fail.
  4. Massacre


    I wouldn't want a Fallout movie for the same reason I wouldn't want a GTA movie: there's too much shit going on in the game. You have to go through too many people and do too much shit to get from start to finish, it would be impossible to wrap it up in two hours. Now, a TV show, a one-hour show on FX, HBO, some channel that'll make it mature and do it justice? Fuck yeah, I'd be all over that.
  5. Massacre


    Heard about it, never watched it. I probably should.
  6. It's not a day one purchase for me, but I'll play it eventually.
  7. I suppose I could just give you my parents' address instead, then if you mail me a bomb, I'll get a shit load of insurance money. Of course, then I'd have to go see my parents to pick up my mail. It's lose-lose, really.
  8. The prospect of getting a big-ass pack of stickers almost makes me want to reveal my location to you.
  9. Massacre


    I forget what weapons you can't repair, actually. I may have confused it with certain armors, which I rarely need to repair. My lower-level couriers get new armor too often to need repairs, and my high-levels don't take many hits. Except in the case of Old World Blues. Those cyber dogs may be weak, but they run up on you fast. But yeah, I think I just got it mixed up with the armor.
  10. Massacre


    Thanks to OWB, it's basically impossible to not have the supplies for a weapon repair kit. But, like bOnEs, I mostly just use the Sierra Madre machine. I barely used any of my thousand or so chips on any of my characters (except the first one), so I've got a lot of kits I can buy. Between Jury Rigging, Dead Money, and OWB, you should never have to pay for repairs for anything, except for the unique items you can't repair yourself.
  11. Jamie, if you see Brad Pitt anywhere, tell him Fight Club was awesome. I mean, he already knows, but, give him a reminder.
  12. Massacre


    Oh, the 'also' was just a general link for everyone in here, had nothing to do with what you asked. As for Zion, the DLC introduces the .45 caliber guns, a pistol and a Tommy Gun. If I remember correctly, you'll get a free pistol right away (but I may be wrong), and there is a slide mod and a silencer, both of which can be bought immediately. The Tommy Gun and its mods can also be bought right away. After you finish the DLC, you'll get a unique pistol automatically, and it's epic. Last but definitely least, is an energy weapon, the Compliance Regulator. It's in a trap-filled place called Fallen Rock Cave, and it's basically a mediocre laser pistol, the only difference being that a critical hit will paralyze an enemy for a few seconds. Basically, it's for pussies, or "pacifists" as some people call them. That's about it as far as pistols go.
  13. Massacre


    You mean in Zion, or just some shit you need to get a hold of beforehand? Also,
  14. Massacre


    I like having a signature weapon, something that will become notorious across the Mojave and beyond. And I'm only rocking the 10mm until I get through Honest Hearts, then it's all about A Light Shining in Darkness.
  15. They seem to be cool with it nowadays.
  16. Massacre


    If it weren't for Christine setting up Uylsses' story, I wouldn't even play Dead Money anymore.
  17. Massacre


    I've been working on my "final" courier lately, doing only what I feel like I need to do to be ready for Lonesome Road. His gimmick is that he uses pistols almost exclusively, and won't touch a bigger weapon unless he absolutely has to. He started off, obviously, with the 9mm, then he moved onto the 10mm, and that's what he'll be left with until he reaches Zion, unless I run into a nice revolver by chance. I'm doing Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Old World Blues, because I can knock Zion out at level 10, but the lowest I've done Dead Money was 15 (and that's only because I used an Energy Weapons courier, almost every skill point had to go in Energy Weapons and Medicine to keep him alive). I hope I'll be able to handle Dead Money with just the Police Pistol. I know I've come close.
  18. That doesn't look too good either, but it looks better than that other shit.
  19. You sleep when you save the game, that's why it advances time by six hours.