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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    This topic has the most replies (and second most views) on the forums, and only three regular posters. Fuck yeah. Also, I made this for the first page:
  2. Just watched this for the first time. Lol'd hard. Hard enough that I had to bold that.
  3. I would be happy with a Hispanic protagonist in LA, and I think it's entirely possible.
  4. Massacre


    Well, the view was nice, so I thought, why not...
  5. Massacre


    The guy I posted the pic of has around twenty thousand, but some of my older files - most notably my NCR file - have close to 100k thanks to my relentless scavenging. With him, I made multiple trips completely cleaning out every place I visited, down to the bent tin cans on the ground. He traveled with only the bare necessities, and any weapons, armor, or ammo he wasn't using was sold at the first opportunity. My original evil file simply killed half the wasteland for his riches.
  6. Massacre


    There, I did it. This is Logan, he's the shit. I've been ammo crafting like a motherfucker because he refuses to use any rifle other than the Survivalist's Rifle.
  7. You make your own character using "meh"-quality customization options.
  8. I can't stop picturing John with a laser pistol and a fish bowl-esque space helmet now...
  9. Massacre


    I would be doing Lonesome Road immediately after Primm, but I want to get all this info about Ulysses beforehand, so I'm doing Dead Money and OWB first. I want to feel like I've scoured the wasteland for him by the time I actually meet him. I'll be waiting to do Honest Hearts much later, as kind of an "I'm tired of this adventure shit, I'm just going to take a nice quiet job as a caravan guard" thing. Obviously that won't go like it's meant to. And Old World Blues, well, you're bound to run into it early. I don't see how anyone could pass it by unless they specifically intended to, and after getting shot in the head, a nice Sci-fi flick, some iguana bits, and a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla would be a nice way to relax for a couple hours.
  10. Massacre


    If he gets his own hair, the modding community will guarantee it won't be his alone, even if it's meant to be. My Legion courier is a White Leg, paint, dreads, all that. The modders won't allow anything to be out of our reach. And his outfit is perfect for almost any allegiance. The pants are close enough to fatigues to pass as NCR, the whole outfit looks nice and wastelandish, perfect for the independent Yes Man side of things, and it kind of looks like one of the legion outfits from the concept art. Doesn't really work for House, though.
  11. Massacre


    I've got my "final" courier made and ready to go. I'm only going to Primm, to find out about Ulysses, then making a slow trip to the Strip (planning to hunt along the way until I hit at least level 15-18), then I'm going to be distracted by the Sierra Madre broadcast, followed by Old World Blues. That'll get me ready for Lonesome Road. I'm trying to do as little of the story as possible before Lonesome Road so that I can play the rest of the game in Ulysses' sweet threads. Also, I'm wondering if Ulysses is actually going to have dreadlocks like he's meant to. I'm guessing he'll either have the White Legs' hair, or the blastback hair.
  12. ^ That would work. I fully expected two Episodes from Liberty City-type DLC's. Undead Nightmare qualifies, but we need more, especially since Red Dead Rape (that's what I'm going with) is even farther off than GTA V.
  13. You really shouldn't correct him if you don't know yourself, but I chuckled a little, so no harm done. Niko is Serbian.
  14. Massacre


    *Bows* I do what I can.
  15. Massacre


    Yeah, I suppose I could tap the print screen button every now and then...
  16. Make more, this was somewhat entertaining.
  17. Massacre


    Ugh, are all the girls in the Big Empty bald? I downloaded a mod that moves those to an earring slot so that you won't be bald and it won't interfere with real headwear or glasses.
  18. Hidden dildos. The obvious McReary sign, and the Dup and Fitty graffiti. Guess they're Easter eggs to us...
  19. Massacre


    So, who wants to make a guess on the Lonesome Road release timeline? I'm guessing a release date announcement on August 23rd, trailer on September 6th/13th, and a release frustratingly close to Gears of War 3's release date on the 20th, possibly on the 20th itself. After they fucked up their "one in June, one in July, one in August" plan, I'm guessing we'll have a lengthy wait ahead of us. Of all the DLC's (including Fallout 3's), this one is the most cryptic-sounding. They're keeping more quiet about this than the others, giving us enough details to build anticipation, but not really telling us anything...
  20. Watch, there's like twelve of them and we're all blind and retarded...
  21. Time for a second holocaust, then. If I don't have a meaningless number to ward over everyone, what do I have? A massive penis and insatiable lust for rape and violence, that's what. Not sure where I'm going with this...
  22. You should've taken a look around the forums before you worried about stalking and a little dismemberment being twisted. I lol'd. Also, solid suggestions. I've always wanted to be able to stalk random people in the game, so I'm all for that idea. Not too keen on destroying buildings, though. I know most of us could deal with it responsibly, but too many people would go insane with a rocket launcher and blow up buildings they needed for a mission, then they'd come here and bitch that they fucked their game up.
  23. Alright, well, if Demon has higher rep than me, then rep now means absolutely nothing, as opposed to mostly nothing. The rep system can now be safely removed from the forums.