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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I haven't used it yet, doing all the side missions first.
  2. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I was immensely disappointed with that casting decision. He's voicing a Mexican, for fuck's sake. They couldn't find one Mexican guy who might want to voice a character in Saints Row? Really? Still, Hogan doesn't sound too ridiculous when he's speaking in his normal voice, maybe he didn't go Hulk in the V.O. booth. Or maybe I'll be muting the TV every time Angel shows up in a cutscene. Hasn't deterred me from buying it, though.
  3. I see Bertrand's propaganda is no longer on TV in New Marais. I just got around to that side mission earlier today. Is this your first playthrough or have you already done the evil path?
  4. Massacre


    That's what I meant. Not that a bomb was dropped on it, but that something they were testing inside the mountain exploded. I doubt the facility actually survived the explosion, what's there now was probably built afterwards.
  5. Massacre


    Like I said above, Borous made the cazadores, too, but he doesn't say why. They don't say what turned Big MT into a crater, but I'm guessing something went boom. Probably something non-radioactive, unless it was a test area from the 1950's, in which case the radiation could have worn off by the time the facility was built.
  6. Massacre


    Didn't you talk to Borous? He made the nightstalkers to 1-up a guy who made an eagle-something-something hybrid. He also made the cazadores, but he doesn't say why.
  7. Massacre


    Ah, so it is legit. I saw it on the Vault in the page for the Divide, but I was going to finish looking around Big MT to see if it was real. Good to know it is.
  8. Massacre


    Oh, forgot to mention, the terminals are locked, so unless you're well-invested in your science skill, thins are going to be a lot tougher. Sorry, I went in with 100 science and it didn't even occur to me you guys might not be going in with the same level.
  9. Massacre


    I think I've done all the quests, aside from the final one. Dr. Mobius is a cool motherfucker. Also, when you first enter the Forbidden Zone Dome, a big thing is going to happen. As soon as it does, head up the stairs on the right, through the various observation decks, and use both terminals. Once the distraction happens, head back to the door and go to the other side of the room, there are a couple more terminals that'll make things easier. And that's my spoiler-free guide to surviving the first part of the last quest.
  10. Yeah, your GTA art version of yourself had been there for, what, two or three years?
  11. Did you use the same name on the old forums? I don't remember you, but I don't know if I'm even supposed to remember you or not...
  12. Fitty decided they were worthy of their own topic. Fuck, you edited your post.
  13. Massacre


    Christine is only in OWB in the form of a few voice recordings, she's not actually in the DLC. She, Elijah, and Ulysses have already been to the Big Empty and left by the time you get there, no matter what order you do the DLC's in. No worries, man.
  14. Was my rep ever edited? Psy or Duff feel free to edit my points to a level that suits me better, if you wish. We'd need to shave off more than 40-50 now. Considering Vicey and Fitty are only in their 30's, I think mid to upper twenties would be fair for you.
  15. Massacre


    NCR has the most quests, and you'll walk away with a few thousand from the Camp McCarran quests alone. Before you do that, have you already gotten the Mark of Caesar from the Legion member who talks to you in New Vegas?
  16. Massacre


    There's not really a "best" choice, it's whatever you feel like doing. The biggest thing to take note of is that, while the Legion path is fun, there aren't as many quests as there are for the other paths.
  17. I'm with Vicey, but if my dream comes true and the game is set in Boston, then I want a Celtic punk station, too.
  18. That's awesome. Are you planning on making people to populate the town? Wait, have you even done a human model before?
  19. Massacre


    I didn't do much after it finished downloading, I have a few interface mods that get overwritten every time I install new DLC, so it took me a while to dig them back up. Getting into it now.