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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I let people photograph the door. Also, the fleur-de-li's are graffiti, there's a Cult of Cthulhu symbol under one, and a R* logo under the other.
  2. I'm the iGTA5 representative, and trust me, you don't want to be called into my office. Don't even think about what's on the other side of this door. Also, fuck other gaming forums. All of 'em.
  3. I like that Cole and I have the same dry hump face.
  4. I want to tl;dr that post, but, punctuation, capitalization, proper grammar? This is too organized to be new member gibberish, I'll have to get high, grab some cheddar Chex Mix, and come back to read this.
  5. This spam account is still here? Fuck, Fitty, you're slacking.
  6. I wouldn't give a shit even if I knew what the fuck you were talking about.
  7. Massacre

    Saints Row

    So, they made a Japanese commercial to announce their pre-order bonus? Sounds good to me, time to go lock down that cat suit and octopus gun. Also, this pretty much sums up Saints Row 3.
  8. Fitty, no! You don't want video, you can't handle it! Your head will explode!
  9. I had intended to ignore it until all this got sorted but I went ahead and fixed it. Not that you need the rep at the moment, those samefag accounts are putting in some serious work.
  10. 66 in three days? Looks like we'll have to give you the Marney treatment just to maintain the stability of the forums. It's nothing personal, we just need to keep your rep negative, or the forums will implode and we'll have to go back to the forums.
  11. Doing Packie's missions again yesterday, I'm once again pushing for Boston for the next GTA. GTA needs more drunken Irishmen.
  12. Massacre


    Sounds like they dissect you completely, then try to reassemble you, but lose your brain. How the fuck you're supposed to do anything without your brain, I don't know. Maybe they copied your consciousness into an AI and implanted it into your head temporarily. I can't wait to use my dumb courier for this DLC, having an intelligence rating of 1 makes for some interesting dialogue. Derp.
  13. Yeah, but, Fitty loves me, he wouldn't downvote one of my posts. And the car windows were the last thing I was going to look at in that pic. I've been avoiding looking at Niko in all these pics and just focusing on the buildings.
  14. I'm not worried about my rep anymore, but the least people could do is find a post where I'm being a dick and vote that one down instead. What the fuck did I do in that post?
  15. It was in Vice City. I'd kind of like to see that cheat return, myself, if only because Niko wasn't as customizable as I'd liked. Really, I just hope the next GTA takes place in the summer, I wasn't happy with picking my outfit out of a selection of twenty jackets.
  16. Massacre


    1:05: Some kind of energy halo? New helmet. 1:11: Glowing power fist. 1:12: Space skeleton? Fucking weird. I love it.
  17. An unwarranted downvote? You're kidding. I'll have to get Viceman in here to correct this immediately. Yeah, I came in my pants when I saw this. What of it?
  18. You say "you" like I actually supported any of the shit in here. I don't give a fuck about this topic, but people keep coming in and bumping it, long after it should have been forgotten. And any shit I make up, in any topic, I make up because it's funny. I don't give a shit about anything, so I rarely ever make any serious arguments.
  19. If that's all you registered for, you were better off not registering at all. Someone lock this topic so it can finally die.
  20. The first and third pic look uber-realistic, and the second one kind of looks like the art they use in the loading screens, I really like that one.
  21. Well, if the world had gone with Tesla's ideas instead of going with that asshole Edison, we'd all have been wireless ten years ago.
  22. Massacre


    Not until Fallout 3, that's when Bethesda got the Fallout license.
  23. Massacre


    Fallout 1 and 2 only have a handful of connections to Fallout 3's story, but they have a ton of connections to New Vegas. But really, unless you're into top-down games with turn-based combat, you should skip Fallout 1 and 2 and just read the articles over at The Vault to catch up on the Fallout story. However, if you don't have access to a computer that can run Fallout 3, then by all means, go ahead and get Fallout 2.
  24. Looks like I just need a new graphics card, then. If I can play this modded and on full graphics settings without melting my computer into the floor, I should be ready for Skyrim.