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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Fuck, it wouldn't even be impressive if you could lift one of those off the ground.
  2. I'm not even trying to be a dick anymore. This shit is real simple, take the time to make your posts legible. Please? I'm sure plenty of people already have. There are tons of mods for the 360, you just can't get on Xbox Live after you mod the console. Well, you can get online, but then they'll find out you've modded your console and you'll be banned from Live, then you really won't be able to get on Live.
  3. The Hustler. Yeah, that thing was great. Shame you couldn't mod it at Loco Low Co.
  4. Pointing out that his post was stupid and pointless is still technically on topic, we're all in the right here.
  5. When I first came in here, I thought I was going to see this: With one of these slapped onto it:
  6. Yeah, I'm going to have to look into this. I needed to upgrade my PC for Skyrim, anyway, might as well throw this into the mix, too.
  7. The best part is that there doesn't appear to be any changes in textures or anything, just lighting. Meaning, if R* had put this much work into the lighting, GTA IV would've looked this good on its own. Of course, the PS3 and 360 couldn't handle it and it would have had to be PC exclusive, thus defeating the purpose, but still...
  8. Especially this one: I need to upgrade my computer. Immediately. That shit looks orgasmically realistic. I don't think I can play GTA IV on my 360 anymore.
  9. I made my own version in GTA IV. I would drive to the park or whatever slightly wooded area I could find that had peds in it, and I would fire my gun out the window to scare them and make them run away. My mission was to follow them through the trees and run them over. Worked out pretty well.
  10. Massacre


    It's just that the jump from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3 is like the jump from GTA 2 to GTA III, you'd be extremely disappointed if you went in expecting anything even remotely like what we discuss in this topic. Fallout 1 & 2 are both good games, they just can't touch 3 and New Vegas.
  11. Massacre


    I would go straight to Fallout 3, if your computer can run it.
  12. The Tahoma was the four-door, right? I loved that thing. Hydraulics (only because you couldn't just have the car lowered), dark green paint, and, uh, I forget which rims I used, but it looked great.
  13. The Voodoo was in IV, minus the hydraulics. Fuck yeah. Also the Cuban Hermes from VC.
  14. Massacre


    All of them. Every single topic on the forums.
  15. I miss the Yakuza Stinger from GTA III (I also miss the Yakuza ), and the BF Injection (read: Beef Injection, for those who still haven't figured the joke out) from GTA III/VC/SA.
  16. Yeah, I was going to have to pick up some PCP on the way, anyway, might as well grab some rock, too.
  17. Sorry, homes. We can go around the corner and throw darts at the hobos if you still want to do something.
  18. That sounds like a lot of trouble. I doubt he was talking to me, anyway. *Lays back down on couch, smokes a bowl*
  19. Massacre


    The Vault says the new patch is up on PSN.
  20. Massacre


    I still need to finish exploring the Vegas areas. I've scoured every inch of the actual wasteland, but the urban areas have so many doors and manholes that don't really stand out, its a safe bet I've missed about half the Vegas area.
  21. Did you quote the wrong post, or... ?
  22. Sounds like more fun than being a grown-up.