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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I would rock that shirt in black, but I wouldn't pay a bunch of money for one. As a matter of fact, I would rather modify one of the shirts I already have than even bother look for a similar shirt in a store. Also, notebook? I got a notebook. Pencils, too.
  2. Massacre


    So, if they're planning on keeping up with the "Honest Hearts in May, Old World Blues in June, Lonesome Road in July" thing, there should be a trailer tomorrow, with the DLC releasing on the 28th. Or they'll just delay it...
  3. Massacre

    GTA 3

    Yep. As do I. The Mafia Sentinel got me through some serious shit more times than I can remember. The Mafia Sentinel was and still is my favourite GTA car of all time. I still like the Sports and Xs versions of the sentinel in black. That is the most nostalgic thing about GTA for me. The "Mafia" scene really had the most memorable impact on me in GTA III, and i still wait for some decent Italian mafia storyline in GTA once again... I had a little nostalgiagasm when I noticed that the mafia (when you could tell them apart from regular peds) in GTA IV also drive sentinels.
  4. Massacre


    This only further strengthens my belief that anyone who isn't from the forums is a worthless piece of shit who has no business breathing our air.
  5. Massacre

    GTA 3

    You could jump in both games. You couldn't climb until San Andreas, though.
  6. Massacre


    Yeah, I expect Nightstalkers and Deathclaws to be in Old World Blues, although Deathclaws weren't created in the Mojave area, I don't think. What I don't understand is why there aren't rattlesnakes in the game. You always hear them in the background music, Nightstalkers came partially from them, and they're almost as likely to survive a nuclear holocaust as a cockroach. Not that what happened to the Mojave qualifies as a holocaust. They could even have made them gigantic radioactive rattlesnakes (raddlesnakes?) and I would have been happy.
  7. Massacre


    I've been following those sounds lately, and when I hear them (usually in Freeside) it's actually a shootout going on. I thought that was just background noise, too. If I didn't know better, I would consider leaving the next time I heard a building creak...
  8. Massacre

    GTA 3

    As do I. The Mafia Sentinel got me through some serious shit more times than I can remember.
  9. He attended my bi-weekly Legion of Doom meeting via satellite, but I haven't heard from him other than that.
  10. My surveillance logs say yes. Also pegging.
  11. *Buys, turns it into a necrophilia blood orgy site* Also, unless you've changed R* Spy's look again, TeamBondiForums isn't as pretty as R* Spy.
  12. I have a stage show where we do just that to a random audience member. That's almost like a play, maybe she'll be cool with coming to see that instead.
  13. They just said on The Daily Show that they weren't planning on stopping. I'm going to take that wildly out of context and claim they said they would continue the show until they died. I'm also going to spread rumors that they changed their minds immediately following the interview. People were devastated over at 4chan.
  14. Tonight's episode is a rerun of HumancentiPad. Looks like they're doing a midseason hiatus like other shows have being doing recently. Either that or they quit.
  15. Massacre


    There are a lot of random changes in the background music, I never would have figured out the music was coming from the hula girls on my own. I stopped thinking about what the music meant once I figured out that a rattlesnake in the background music wasn't a nightstalker nearby. Good find, bOnEs.
  16. Massacre


    Shit, these fucking hula girls are everywhere until you're actually looking for them...
  17. Massacre


    I believe so, but I'm going to try and find a few more to be sure. Nothing in Repconn, possibly because I spotted the hula girl from a distance, and when I went to Freeside to investigate Mick and Ralph's, a Kings/Freeside Thug fight spilled into the store (one of the few downsides of my increased wasteland population mod) and interfered with things, but I'm sure I heard something near the pile of hula girls on the front counter, and I know I caught a little jingle upstairs near the hula girl on the desk. But, like I said, the hunt isn't over. I'm going to keep looking around, and try it on some characters that have Wild Wasteland and some that don't, in case that has something to do with it.
  18. Massacre


    Well, that settles it, there's a third person that knows. Shit has officially gotten real.
  19. Massacre


    Now I'm intrigued, I'll also be looking into the hula girl mystery, with my PC at full volume. Do you remember many places where I can find them. If it's not loot I can pick up, I tend to forget it exists. I remember 90% of the tin cans in the game, but I can't think of a hula girl spot for the life of me...
  20. Massacre

    E3 2011

    Between New Vegas, inFamous 2, Skyrim, and Saints Row 3 (No, I'm not fucking calling it "The Third." What the fuck is that?), I think I'll be good until the next GTA. And that's just the open-world games.
  21. Massacre

    E3 2011

    Cool. I've had my PS3 idling for a while, charging my controller (I get more battery life out of a pair of AA's, btw. How about a controller like that, Sony?), so I'll start sending you violent sexual messages right away. And yeah, if I end up getting SR3 for PS3, I intend on playing online. I don't think any of my Xbox brethren had SR2, so I never got to play online. I mean, I'm not going to play with strangers, strangers are douchebags. Fuck those guys.
  22. It's entirely possible that they might change things up and put some actual continuity in the series, make an ongoing storyline to change things up. Or not. We may potentially find out next week. Or not.
  23. Massacre

    E3 2011

    It's a shame the co-op is just two-person, a mob of people would be epic. What's all this, then?
  24. Well, I'll be rambling about this game in New Vegas-like proportions once it comes out, so you'll fully understand its awesomeness by the time you decide to rent it.
  25. Massacre

    E3 2011

    Considering that the exclusive DLC the 360 got for SR2 sucked undead donkey cock, there's a decent chance I'll pick up SR3 for PS3. Here's hoping I actually remember to do it.