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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I hate your job. Well, I hate the IT guys, anyway.
  2. Check out the video I linked to above, the screens don't do these graphics justice.
  3. Oh good, I don't have to hide the dildo chainsaws or take down the lynched black person props I have hanging around. No, really, they're just props...
  4. That's odd. When I got on PSN yesterday, it let me reset my password right then and there. I got a confirmation email saying it had been changed, but I never had to log onto my email to do anything.
  5. Massacre

    E3 2011

    The demo I saw for Mass Effect 3 made my E3. Everything else, I've seen already. And fuck, Twisted Metal doesn't look any farther along than it was at last year's E3. The big games for 2011 were announced early this year or late last year, it's mostly just demos at this point. No more new IP's, just sequels until we all die. GTA V in 2076.
  6. Depends on whether or not you take your pants off beforehand. I sure as shit can't work a belt, button, and zipper on peyote.
  7. Dead Nation it is, then. I already have inFamous and LBP, so it's between Wipeout and that other game. I would recommend inFamous to anyone who hasn't already gotten their two games, especially since inFamous 2 came out today.
  8. Massacre

    E3 2011

    Fuck AGENT. That is all.
  9. Hands-on shit. Supposedly, there's over 300 hours' worth of content. Considering how long it took to wrap up Oblivion, I'm inclined to believe it.
  10. Massacre

    E3 2011

    I could have done without LA Noire, but not Red Dead Redemption. RDR was epic. Info's kind of slow, but I keep up to date. What kind of info are you after?
  11. Can Firm and I stay at your place? I'll let you in on the peyote action. That offer also extends to Analog, if you decline. Or you can all come on the safari, whatever.
  12. Massacre

    E3 2011

    I'm astounded by Saints Row's ability to look stupid and epic at the same time. Looking forward to SR3. That's the most Japanese game I've ever seen.
  13. Fan appreciation? Apparently only "real" fans play online, because it doesn't sound like single-player is getting shit of of this new DLC.
  14. Massacre


    Shit, you saw the holo-axe in the Qore episode. That thing had better be tough enough to keep my Legion tribal alive through the entire game. That Tesla coil hammer looked pretty sweet, too.
  15. If your rent-a-car is a van or truck, then yeah, I have a place for you to stay. I guess a sizable trunk would work, too.
  16. Massacre


    Hopefully the scale of the facility in the concept art is how big it actually ends up being. The video I saw certainly made it seem huge. If it's as big as it looks, it'll be bigger than the Sierra Madre Villa or Zion.
  17. Just don't make them post in the forums. We don't need an influx of one-post members, like when Psy gave away that 360. Not a single one of those cunts stuck around.
  18. Massacre


    Yeah, my most recent character wore that until he got Graham's armor at the end. As it turns out, I look pretty awesome in snakeskin boots with a matching belt... And pistol.
  19. Come to the real Vegas instead. I'll meet you there, and after you've drank and gambled all your money away, we can drive out into the desert and have a peyote safari.
  20. Should've just given you guys a $20 credit instead, it would cover the cost of any two of the games on that list (assuming their price was reasonably lowered since release), or you could use it for something else.
  21. I'm thinking about ensuring that I'm raped and murdered going on the adventure of a lifetime and wandering aimlessly around the country all summer. Whether that involves hitchhiking or just walking, I don't know. A more realistic plan is doing the New Vegas thing and wandering not-so-aimlessly around Vegas and the Mojave desert. Also, go ahead and make me an admin, I'll handle shit while you're gone. I promise...
  22. Sounds too awesome to actually appear in multiple games. On the subject of Morrowind, though, I'd just be happy to have the Dunmer in Skyrim look more like they did in Morrowind. In Oblivion, the only difference between the elves was skin/eye color, and height in the case of the wood elves. It would be nice to get my scarred/tattooed/eyepatch-sporting Dunmer assassin from Morrowind back.
  23. Hopefully the Assassins' Guild makes a return as well. No reason why it wouldn't.