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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    So the three quests from Joshua are only available in the Joshua ending? That would explain why I didn't get them.
  2. Massacre


    I can't fucking wait for this. This is already my favorite DLC.
  3. Massacre


    All the side quests come from the main characters, so yeah, finish everything before you do the last quest. Just like in regular New Vegas, once you reach the point of no return, it brings up a window telling you that there's no turning back. There are three side quests I didn't get to do, but Graham never gave them to me and I don't know why... Also, Old World Blues preview. Haven't read it yet, just skimmed and posted here. It says the release date is June 14th.
  4. I'm not looking forward to upgrading my PC for this, but it will be worth it once I rock this shit at full graphics settings. What's that, you say? An orc in golden armor firing massive fireballs at legions of undead near a huge waterfall while dragons fly overhead and spew molten lava onto the rooftops of a nearby village, all in the middle of a blizzard? And that's supposed to lag on my PC? Fuck that. Also, infinite props to the Hotel Figueroa for always having massive video game murals instead of billboards for boring shit.
  5. It says a lot about me that I said "DO WANT" for the cat rather than the cutout. In my defense, I've read that Lucifer was rather fond of cats himself, so I suppose that maintains my evilness...
  6. > the GTA IV murals. Sorry R*.
  7. Massacre


    I'm fucking bored. You can talk about Fallout 3 for all I care, I need some Fallout discussion to keep me entertained until Old World Blues is announced.
  8. How old is it? I think they extended the warranty to three years for consoles that RRoD.
  9. Massacre


    Interesting. It would be nice to hear what different kinds of people have to say about the game, I imagine there are plenty of references to things I'm not familiar with and thus didn't notice were there. Also, Jewish? Is he only Jewish in religion, or is there some ethnic Jew in there as well? You've never struck me as being of Jewish descent.
  10. Nice color, although I prefer my Challengers to fully stock, and white (Fucking Vanishing Point, bitches. Go watch it.).
  11. I rather like tight assholes. Oh, wait, you said uptight... Uptight. Yeah...
  12. Massacre


    Surprisingly, he's not all that raspy, but his voice is very powerful. The Burned Man wasn't at all what I was expecting him to be after I first heard about him in New Vegas, but he's turned out to be even better than I would have imagined. There's a beautiful mixture of underlying insanity and straightforward, "this is how shit is going to go down, deal with it" motivation. The bible zealotry you saw in the trailer appears to define his character, but the verses he quotes aren't coming from the "love everyone" bullshit that's found in most of the bible. Joshua Graham was truly worthy of serving the mighty Caesar, even more so than legate Lanius.
  13. Massacre


    It appears I have lol'd...
  14. And I figured all that out without even playing the game.
  15. Maybe you're meant to sit there and chat for a few seconds? Been a while since I started a new game, I forget how the conversation goes. Also, after their song in The Lost and Damned, and now Undead Nightmare, I'm kind of a fan of Kreeps. Not enough of a fan to listen to any of their other songs, but I could stand to have Bad Voodoo in my music collection.
  16. Got back into Undead Nightmare today. Must have lost my touch because it took three tries to break Pestilence, and I was attacked by an undead cougar after both failed attempts. Insult to injury, I suppose. Also, War randomly decided to take a stroll into the river in Thieves' Landing, so now I'm on a boring, non-flaming horse...
  17. Massacre


    It's funny, Old World Blues has a perk that lets you cap your level and xp (starting at level 30), but like Synch, most of us will have our skills maxed out at 40. I haven't hit level 40 yet because I can't stop making new couriers, but I'm sticking with my current one (mercenary/caravan guard/cowboy hat and throwing hatchet-sporting badass) until the bitter end, so I'll be there in a day or two. I'm somewhere between 25 and 30 right now.
  18. No, but if he wasn't lying then the game isn't very realistic.
  19. Massacre


    I was looking over the graffiti my whole playthrough, hoping at some point it would actually my useful, like warning you that there's a Yao Guai den nearby or cave paintings that gave you a little history about the tribes, but no, just the same one-painting-per-tribe murals all over. Doesn't take away from the DLC, of course, I was just hoping I could get a little tribal myself and use the paintings to find my way around the valley.
  20. Massacre


    Yeah, "22" is smeared all around the black graffiti that looks like people with roots coming out of their hands and feet. If you've beaten it you should've run into more connections to the vault, but I don't feel like using tags so that's all I'm going to say.