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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    Utah is stuffed full of tribals, I would guess, and that's our tribal garb. Hopefully this place is as big (or bigger, preferably) as Point Lookout. After being trapped in a cramped, rotting villa for the last few months, it would be nice to have the chance to go somewhere open, that I haven't already explored to death.
  2. There are some really random downvotes going on lately...
  3. Oh, you mean Gary. Yeah, I guess you can borrow him, I'll get fertilizer for my garden somewhere else.
  4. Tommy was still my favorite up until Johnny. Luis did some pretty cool shit, but he still only gets third place. If I had ever gotten to work on the iGTA webcomic, the AoD were going to be the allies of the main character, with The Lost not even involved.
  5. They made the Angels of Death look so much cooler than The Lost. Johnny still looked cool though. Also: Holy shit, it's Tanner.
  6. I've always valued animal life, it's humans I don't care for. Someone threw him out of their car (without even slowing down) and I brought him inside to chill for a few days until his cuts healed. He healed up, and I just decided to keep him.
  7. The cooling system is entirely about paranoia, I don't really need it and I'll probably change my mind about it. I have an AMD Phenom Quad Core that came with a good fan, and I bought the most powerful case fan they had at the shop. I forget what brand it is, but it's called the Tornado and it's loud as shit and blows out air so fast that I could turn my computer around and use it to cool the room. I'll definitely be looking into that case (or rack, rather), $180 isn't bad. The only problem is that I'd have to make a screen to lay over it, lest the cat start pawing at the computer's innards and force me to murder him.
  8. bOnEs said that, and it's completely true.
  9. Don't forget about bOnEs, he knows his shit too. Always have to give him credit. Stoic is good too, but he doesn't come into the Fallout topic very often anymore.
  10. I was only thinking about a cooling system (so paranoid about frying another CPU and motherboard), graphics card, new ram, and possibly a better PSU and a case with better ventilation. If I do decide to buy a new case, I'll probably go full-tower just because I don't like how cramped the cords are in my mid-tower. Probably won't cost that much, I just hope the screwholes aren't any different for a full-tower case, I'm not buying a new motherboard just for a bigger case.
  11. New Vegas is still catching shit. Supposedly, there are tons of glitches and the game is almost unplayable, but I have the game for both 360 and PC and haven't run into any real problems, and that's after hundreds of hours of play time. When it comes to Fallout, ignore the rest of the internet and come straight to the Fallout topic here. ------------------- As for Half Life 2, I still haven't played it, but I know I need to play it eventually.
  12. How much did all that cost? I've been thinking about making another upgrade lately.
  13. The losing pre-order outfits were the only things worth buying, really. Well, that and Undead Nightmare.
  14. Coincidentally, I only have 80 Microsoft Points at the moment.
  15. Demon, take my advise, if you ever get the chance to play Fallout 3, do it. That game is a masterpiece, and if your computer can handle it (you don't have an Xbox 360 or PS3 to play it on, if I remember correctly?), it has one of the most beautiful game environments you'll ever see. I would recommend Fallout 3 (and New Vegas) to someone who doesn't even play video games, just to stand on top of a hill and take in the scenery, if nothing else.
  16. Sorry, I only conduct my government takeover in secrecy, everything else, I do right in front of everyone. I like recognition for my actions.
  17. Everyone, I think. I haven't downvoted you (except for posting that Rebecca Black video), and Psy says he hasn't, either. Other than us, I'd say the rest of the forums has downvoted you at some point, it's not exactly a conspiracy.
  18. Massacre


    Explosives, you say? Hadn't thought about that. I have found a decent amount of C4 around the Villa, maybe it would work if you dumped it in the doorway as soon as you got of off the elevator instead of doing it right before Elijah comes in.
  19. I don't think they have any specific criteria for downvoting you.
  20. I brought him over here, but he seems to have gone back to "real" life again...
  21. Massacre


    Well, if I were going to cheat, I'd just hit "~" and type in "TGM." then I'd be invincible and have unlimited carry weight.