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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. You really don't need to be that careful, but sure.
  2. Keyboard, for scale. Not that you should be buying weed from anyone who doesn't weigh and bag it in front of you. If you don't have a vagina, use the jar method. I was going to explain everything, but my search for a pic of the right kind of jar led me to this: So that saves me the trouble.
  3. That emblem is fucking gorgeous, in-game. The screencap you posted before really doesn't do it justice.
  4. That sounds about right. Including the part where the equipment you steal is worth more than whatever the objective of the heist is.
  5. Massacre

    Mad Max

    To my knowledge, it was shelved, before they'd even finished the bare bones, then went multiplatform when they resumed working on it.
  6. Massacre

    Mad Max

    Developing a game for so many platforms is a chore. If you develop for last gen and port to next gen, next gen won't be as good as it could be. If you develop for next gen and port to last gen, you have to strip certain things (in most cases, not all), and downgrade the graphics. A lot of companies are scrapping their last gen releases. This time next year - maybe sooner - PS3/360 support will be nonexistent.
  7. Samoans and people of similar ethnicities naturally have a slightly higher body fat percentage than most other races. In some cases, this alone can lead to mild obesity, unless they make greater than normal effort to keep their weight down.
  8. At the one minute mark, Daryl demonstrates the correct way to make a first impression.
  9. On it. *Grabs blackjack*
  10. I still say the only logical way to bring back Las Venturas is in a DLC for V. Venturas cannot support a game of its own; there just isn't enough substance there. Put it in a DLC, while heists are still relevant, because that's all LV is good for. Not that I have that much faith in Rockstar, anymore.
  11. They might announce single player DLC for fall, but it wouldn't be out before fall 2016. I'd be surprised if they even bother with GTAV, after all this. I swear, the first six months after the game came out, all they did was drink champagne and jerk off on each other, celebrating that billion dollars. Zero effort being made.
  12. Ah, so you've seen quite a bit. Winter was my favorite part. Playing as Ellie made things seem a lot more intense. I might do another playthrough, on a higher difficulty. Things became a lot less urgent when I discovered that behemoths are nothing, if you have molotovs and nail bombs. Fewer supplies on higher difficulties might restore some of the panic.
  13. Good for Alaska. There's nothing to do in that frozen wasteland but wait to die. Might as well let everyone get stoned and wait to die.
  14. Considering that I don't have three other people to play heists with, it wouldn't take much for me to not give a shit about them. I would hope they wouldn't be showing us anything that won't actually be in the DLC.
  15. Your eyes have a very Eskimo-like shape to them, which is why I asked. I do have a jar of Inuit blood, though, if you're interested.
  16. Ace, do you possess Inuit blood? Either in your veins, or just in a jar somewhere. Six month suspension for reminding me of that commercial. But seriously, folks, don't smoke. Cancer is bad.