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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. There just isn't enough going on to warrant it. It would be more like a small FML than anything useful to the site. If we had legions of retards, like other forums, and had to deal with spam and flaming and a hundred other things every hour, it would be a pretty good idea.
  2. *Fires 7 gun salute* (The other 14 are gone, as a symbol of the arms that should never have been) The party has left.
  3. I would watch that stream so hard (as in, the watching would be hard. I would not be hard). My connection was ass, last time I tried, and event nights tend to start slow, so I gave up. (Okay, I might be a little hard)
  4. Nice job, assholes. You upset Cam.
  5. I demand a GTA set in the Pokémon universe, because no two settings could be further apart than those two.
  6. Sometimes I just want to go back to sleep. Strange noise, bullet, roll over, back to sleep. Done.
  7. I have a gun. Also, a warhammer.
  8. Wow, that looks neat. Edit: This post was funny, before, when he didn't embed it correctly.
  9. "Hellooooooooo" More snaps from Missy. Missy vaguely remembers a time when she could go home to San Fierro on a bus. After 2004, the bridges seemed to just... disappear. Realized I hadn't taken a shot of this, yet. The Emissary. Echoes of Liberty City... This is what bad life choices look like. This is what some French bitch blocking my shot looks like. Fishies & phallic coral. I just like the way lights look with this filter.
  10. The emotes aren't very flattering, for selfies. Nor are Rockstar's character models.
  11. You should have a custom "World Champion of Drinking" trophy made, carry it with you at all times, and only ever drink from that trophy.
  12. I would do commentary. People say I have a voice for radio.
  13. When the PCP wore off, my main character caught this lovely sight. The LS River makes a damn fine runway for small planes. As for my secondary character, well, playing the role of a transgendered alt hipster Suicide Girl wannabe from San Fierro seems to have brought out my artsy side. Missacre, aka Missy, formerly known as Spencer, says hello. Look at these fucking weirdos. I call it... Snoga. This couple was smoking. I call it, Lung Cancer in Mirror Park. This gay couple was having lunch together. I call this one, Ham Sandwich Before Tightly-Packed Fudge. This one is called Man-Made Shit in Foreground and Nature in Background Makes it Look Like I'm Making Some Sort of Meaningful Statement. This one? Look, it's a Fucking Tree. This image is titled Some Bitch in a Hat, Out of Focus. I spent 20 Minutes Walking Around Mirror Park, and All I Got was These Lousy Snapmatics.
  14. Checked the mechanic (all three garages), and Mors. Nothing. I lost my rare Dubsta variant, plus the $75k or so I spent on mods. The fact that I spent half a million on the Dodo shortly before that changes nothing. It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing.
  15. It just deletes the replaced car. No warning of any kind.
  16. It's not like the current emblem is good, either. As much as I hate the jackal, the previous jackal emblem had a matching art style, at least. The current jackal has always looked odd with the iGTA logo.
  17. Remember when, if you had a full garage, and a not-full second garage, you could pull a car into the full garage, replace a car, and the replaced car was sent to the other garage? Yeah, that shit don't happen, anymore. Fuck you, Rockstar.
  18. Took this in my latest acquisition. Took this of my latest acquisition. A bad landing left me stranded on this island. These assholes said I couldn't party with them.
  19. Beatnic is several kinds of success stories.
  20. It's gotta work for somebody. Why not both?
  21. If you really went for it, you could upgrade that girl from "lady friend" status. Dooooo eeeeet.
  22. Genuinely surprised that there are times that you wear a shirt.