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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. My gay character, Spencer, realized he was transgender, after being transferred to next gen. I call her... Missacre.
  2. Almost as hideous as the shit people do to their cars in GTAO.Almost.
  3. We had a similar issue with the snapback function of quotes, on the old forums. Editing the post and saving it (without actually changing it) might fix it. Obviously, that's too much work, but give it a try, if you're browsing, and see one that particularly bothers you.
  4. Only time of year I can manage decent Snapmatics, and Rockstar's incompetence is fucking it up. This is the only one that saved. It's not even one of the good ones.
  5. This is the gift you receive for playing on Christmas.
  6. Some extra shit was tacked onto the end or the url. Fixed it for you. If you're posting an image, delete anything after ".jpg" or ".png" or whatever the image type is.
  7. All relevant cities in the US: New York Los Angeles Miami in the 80's, and only in the 80's. San Francisco Las Vegas Seattle Chicago Detroit. Sort of. Boston Washington, D.C. The rest is flyover country.
  8. The 70's in England weren't the same as the 70's in America, especially when it comes to the most important thing - the cars. Pretty sure our godlike muscle cars were almost nonexistent, in England. Not to mention, Guy Ritchie has already said anything relevant there is to say, about crime in England.
  9. Other than New York, there isn't really an iconic 70's city. Since Liberty City has been done to death, I disagree with a 70's GTA. A new IP, the 70's, New York answer to what LA Noire was to 40's LA, maybe. But not GTA.
  10. You should probably try weed, or skim the Wikipedia article, or stop being a retard, rather than saying shit like this. Marijuana is safer than any man-made medication (it's safer than aspirin, for fuck's sake), and the symptoms it can help, it helps better than any medication that serves the same purpose, and it doesn't have side effects that pop up within a week of use and fuck you up more than the thing you were medicating in the first place. Also, there are multiple smokeless options that provide the same benefits without the minor drawbacks of smoking it. They don't even get you high. And you should really cut the 4chan sarcasm out of your vocabulary. Even on 4chan, it sounds stupid.
  11. If you do have depression, don't take whatever they prescribe you, right away. Give weed a try, first. It won't completely wreck you. Most meds for any kind of mental problem will. Not all, but most.
  12. Low socioeconomic status? It means poor.
  13. How much sleep is too much? Assume that I am being active and healthy, when not in a dreamless, snoreless, drooling, death-like slumber.
  14. Trains make my cars look cooler than any Los Santos Customs. This gentleman was not happy with being photographed. Obligatory sunset.
  15. Well, I fucked around in this thing for an hour. Guess that's it, for this month. Merry Christmas?
  16. Well, shit. The Rat-Truck is better than the Slamvan.
  17. If that's true, I've got a not-so-festive surprise for Rockstar.
  19. Rednecks hang their arm out of the window or rest it in the window. They don't use the actual armrest.
  20. It's also the same yacht from The Ballad of Gay Tony.