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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Remember that jackal thing that wasn't funny, that went way, way, way too far? This is kind of like that. But still not as stupid as the jackal.
  2. Massacre


    Paying for exclusive rights for one game in a fighting game series that has always been shit (as though a non-shitty fighting game even exists) makes Sony look pretty stupid. Microsoft could've let that one slide.
  3. Sorry, I was having an AIDS benefit. I'll tell them to leave, now.
  4. You dress well. I would sodomize you. Those two things are not connected.
  5. This is how I read it, and this is how it will always be, to me.
  6. It's black people in the UK, Mediterranean people in Australia. It's not quite so offensive, in Australia. I don't find it offensive, in any context, because I am a glorious white god.
  7. Since I won't have a PS4 for quite some time, and Unity won't be high on my list, when I do have one, could you (or whoever) throw something into spoiler tags, for me? I'm curious what the modern-day story is about, this time around. Does it tie into Black Flag? Are you still a random, anonymous person not affiliated with the Assassins?
  8. That's from the FIB heist setup mission. It uses the same basic setup as the 2-car garage apartment, in GTAO, but bright and open.
  9. You cunt. I had hopes and dreams, and you've shattered them.
  10. When have they ever had DLC with as much hype as heists? They were bound to do something differently.
  11. Some Cops & Crooks stuff has been leaked. This is plausible.
  12. Massacre


    $100 more? Because it's grey? Fuck that. Fuck it twice. Edit: Fuck it three times.
  13. If you hadn't said who it was, I still would have guessed it was Tanner. It's so... fitting.
  14. Well, there's that.
  15. Yeah, that crew name totally won't attract loud, pathetic, immature little bastards, exclusively. Good choice.
  16. I like that you connected them, with a vague route. I'm pre-planning a peyote safari The Truth would be proud of.
  17. Have them both on the same night, and have PS3 users make a huge deal about it so the PS4 users feel bad, and I just sit back and watch because I don't have a PS4 and don't join the events, anyway.