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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. My favorite game and biggest disappointment of 2014 are both Watch Dogs. It's the only game I bought, this year.
  2. My votes say a lot about the state of gaming.
  3. Parting Glass, when sung with an Irish accent, hits me right where a normal person keeps their feels. Other than that, the ending fell a little flat, for me.
  4. Massacre

    The Crew

    You're in a car. Permanently. Pass. Eternal pass.
  5. Massacre


    Finally, you can shit (intentionally) and play GTA at the same time. Happy for you, Qdiggity.
  6. With a Portuguese accent, I would think.
  7. Massacre

    Just Cause

    Looking forward to hearing more. Very fun series. In Just Cause II, there was an achievement/trophy for crossing the entire map using the grappling hook/parachute, without touching the ground. I unlocked it without realizing that the achievement existed. When a game rewards me for things I do without being told to do them, it earns a special place in the writhing mass of tentacles where my heart should be.
  8. That may have been the best episode start in television history.
  9. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    Windows phones are ass. Also, I'm pretty sure the OS is just Windows 8.
  10. You have too many logos. Flip the pyramid to the correct position and stick it between the chick's legs. She'll like that.
  11. I have a feeling that the abundance of backstory and lack of payoff is going to get to me, soon. If I don't see someone become a real villain soon, there's going to be a problem. Tonight's events better be going somewhere. Zsasz was nice to see, last week, though.
  12. Are you going PC, or are you just done with gaming, once developers stop supporting current gen?
  13. Just show up in a suit and tell DiO to make a guess.
  14. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    A lot of this kind of stuff.
  15. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    That has not been the case for me, and every Apple OS I've used has been shit, from computers to phones.
  16. Massacre

    Mobile Devices

    Have you owned both? I've used both.