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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre

    XBOX One

    It's a shame, really. I loved my 360, back in the day. I know Xbox One won't have an exclusive that will sell me on the console. Poor Microsoft.
  2. The crew was a lot more active before Massacre kicked 200 randoms. Wait...
  3. I can't get rid of the Gusenberg Sweeper, but my musket has disappeared from my inventory. I'm also noticing that my grenade launcher ammo is disappearing, ten rounds at a time. Also, it is raining, every single time I play this fucking game. There has not been a single year, in history, in which the area that Los Angeles occupies has seen as much rain as you'll see in Los Santos, playing daily for one month.
  4. In the comics, they dealt with the cannibals very quickly. Terminus wasn't even a thing, they were just in a house. It was Dale who lost his leg, and was still alive, at this point. The cannibals ate his other leg.
  5. The city planner should be shot. Every road and building in this part of town is wobbly.
  6. With the Comedy Central App, you have time, all the time. I was paid by Comedy Central to say this.
  7. I have acquired a reliable means by which to counteract Fox's gross incompetence, in the field of reruns. I am currently watching this. Just finished the first episode, and I am very happy with it. Penguin has a lovely vocabulary.
  8. Yeah, it's a pretty widespread issue. It started with 1.16. Would've though that would be an important fix for 1.17.
  9. I've always hated that song. The new one, I hadn't heard before. It wasn't bad.
  10. No, but I didn't know to look for anything. FX always does an encore of the previous week's episode, so I'll watch both episodes and look for common themes.
  11. I would find that boring. Also, aliens fall into the cliche category, like vampires and zombies. AHS tends to shy away from the cliches.
  12. I did. This is going to be a great season.
  13. I had no idea John Carroll Lynch (The Drew Carey Show, Fargo) was the clown. That is fucking brilliant.
  14. Fuck the cost. Murder is priceless.